An icar actor commits suicide



Photo: Internet taken. The actor left a note.

The actor iCarly commits suicide

El Universal / La Voz de Michoacán

Mexico. The actor Carlos Lopez Jr., who had a special participation in the "iPear Store" chapter of the "iCarly" series, was found dead last Sunday by one of his companions, in his Los Angeles apartment Califormia.

According to TMZ, the 35-year-old actor would have shot himself. Entertainment Weekly notes that Lopez reportedly left a suicide note, details of which are unknown until now.

In 2007 it was his great period of glory, when he starred in "Operation Rescue"; He has also participated in "America's Most Wanted", "CSI: Cyber", and "American Made".

The Los Angeles County Coroner's Report states the following:

M. Lopez was declared dead at the scene 20:06 of a bullet in the head apparently pulled by him. Toxicological reports are pending. "

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