An IMSS nurse in Chihuahua sold seats and organs to patients


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Chihuahua .- Jorge Alberto was an auxiliary nurse of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), but he had unusual power in the institution: he could sell seats for staff and organs.

The man lived surrounded by luxuries because of the juicy profits that his illicit activities left him, but when he could not fulfill his "clients", he decided to kill them. Until now, the authorities estimate that he has committed at least seven homicides in recent months.

The corpulent nurse worked at the hospital General Morelos even before being arrested. Tasks included facilitating the transfer of patients between chambers and laboratories, healing and completing forms. Jorge Alberto had a modest salary that would allow him to live well, but with which he would never have bought the 10 luxury cars and sports he'd had outside his home.

Nothing was secret, in the "Seguro" all the staff knew that Jorge had important links with the union and that, for a large sum of money, he had "places".

Unfinished dreams. Laura Soto, administrative assistant of a small clinic of the IMSS, dreamed of having a better income. He got to know Jorge and contacted him after seeing how many of his classmates managed to come up in record time. The formula was easy: depending on the type of place desired, it was the "cut" for the union, explained the nurse.

Laura was able to collect 80 thousand pesos, which would give her "right" to a position in the central offices. However, several weeks have passed and the rise has not occurred, as Laura the other of his colleagues, who also gave money to Jorge, became impatient. The Prosecutor's Office estimated by this group received about 600 thousand pesos

On December 6, Laura received the long-awaited appeal, Jorge communicated to tell him that everything was ready, that they would be seen the next day near the offices of the delegation to make the necessary steps to obtain the new post.

On the morning of the 7th, the young woman was waiting to meet the nurse, but she died. From one vehicle, he was shot at close range; Jorge got tired of being disturbed

Illusion and Tragedy. Daniel Gregorio Romero had diabetes, his quality of life was getting worse every day. He was removed from Conagua and for months he was waiting for a kidney transplant;

In a desperate act, the Romeros contacted Jorge Alberto and an unidentified doctor, who informed them that they could get the kidney quickly. and perform the transplant in the IMSS, without needing to be entitled.

The agreement involved a payment of half a million pesos, however, as with Laura, the nurse did not respect and claims began. On June 30, the Romero family quoted Jorge at home to find out what was going to happen in the case.

What happened that night is not publicly known, but authorities have reported that a security video shows how a man killed by one to five members of the family, and finally "forgiven" the life of a little two years old. Unofficially we know that this man was Jorge.

His wife, the accomplice. This weekend, the prosecution informed the judge in charge of the case that the wife of the nurse, Lizzeth CS, had participated in the crimes and the operation of the sale of the seats; However, he is currently a fugitive. In the same way, the authorities are looking for Juan A., who was working as the head of the Labor Exchange at the IMSS, and who would have "placed" the people who bribed the nurse.

In the same context, the delegation of the IMSS reported that Jorge Alberto's employment contract had been revoked this weekend, while an internal investigation had been opened to determine whether or not he had been arrested. there were more staff involved in selling vacancies.

the moment can not be given more details, but this will be punished to anyone who participated in criminal acts or violated the rules of the institution. The IMSS said that seats are offered directly by the union, so this is what sets the first filters for hiring staff.

Later, on January 4, Jonathan González was murdered. The crime seemed to have a clear line of investigation: he was a former ministerial officer, who had surely been the focus of organized crime revenge.

Months later, authorities unraveled the story: before entering the ranks of the police, González He worked as an assistant in the offices of the IMSS, post for which he applied for a license (to maintain the position) and to which he planned to return in a few days

The assumption is similar to what happened with Laura. In this case, investigations indicate that Jonathan will return to the IMSS, but that he would have paid to have a better position on his return.

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