Analysts anticipate more inflation and a more expensive dollar


More inflation and a more depreciated peso is what analysts are looking for by Banco de México (Banxico).

In the survey that raises the central bank, the consensus of analysts raised its projections for inflation and the exchange rate for both this year and the year before. next year

The above because they look at inflation and monetary policy as one of the factors that could hinder the growth of the Mexican economy .

The most significant change has been made in the exchange rate. The consensus placed at 19.50 of 18.92 pesos per dollar the price for 2018; for 2019, it rose from 18.60 to 19.11 pesos

As a result, the forecasts for the overall inflation of 2018 went from 3.94% to 4%; for 2019, they placed it at 3.56% vs. 3.55% for the previous survey

However, the governance factor continues to weigh as a constraint on economic activity, especially political uncertainty and insecurity issues.

That is why they maintained their estimate of 2019 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at 2.30% and improved their 2018 forecast from 2.25% to 2.30%.

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