Analysts expect factory orders to stagnate in the United States


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Analysts expect factory orders to stagnate in the United States, a leading indicator of industrial production and capital spending. The Ministry of Commerce of this country will publish the report at 09:00 hours, time in central Mexico.

Experts consulted by the Reuters agency anticipate that new US factory orders record zero change during May compared to April of this year, where they then declined by 0, 8%.

Forecasts range from a 0.8% decline estimated by Spartan Capital Securities to a 0.5% rebound projected by the German bank Commerzbank.

JP Morgan expects monthly growth of 0.1% in May, while Wells Fargo and Goldman Sachs estimate decreases of 0.3% and 0.2% respectively, according to Reuters.

The US Institute of Management and Supply said yesterday that its index of manufacturing activity rose to 60.2 points in June, from 58.7 in May. Experts worry that imported steel and aluminum tariffs will disrupt supply chains, reduce business investment and eliminate the positive effects of Donald Trump 's tax reform.

Meanwhile, automakers in the United States Vehicle sales figures at 14:30

Analysts estimate that total sales reached 17 million units last month, after trading 16 million 910,000 cars in May this year.

On the other hand, the American Petroleum Institute will present its report on stocks of crude oil in the United States at 15:30, after recording a weekly collapse of 9.23 million barrels as of June 22 .

For the Independence Day celebration, the New York Stock Exchange will close early today, at 1:00 pm, and open until Thursday, which will reduce the volume of trading on the financial markets of New York. Mexico

On the other side of the Pacific, Markit will report the state of the Chinese service sector at 8:45 pm, based on the Purchasing Management Index (PMI). )

Experts predict that the indicator should be set at 52.7 units in June, which will indicate that services-related activities are still expanding in the Asian country.

Last night, the Central Bank of Australia announced its monetary policy decision, while at dawn they were giving retail sales figures in the euro area.

Tomorrow they will present the PMI service corresponding to the euro zone, the United Kingdom and Brazil.

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