Anaya does not guarantee the change required by PAN




Wed Jul 11, 2018, 4:03

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The Raya del Tigre

After the election of July 1, the National Action Party was notoriously disjointed and, although it is still the second largest electoral force in the country, an enormous distance was opened compared to the first force, the National Regeneration Movement.

In this context, there are reasons for those who demand a last goodbye of the unfortunate presidential candidate Ricardo Anaya to the presidency of the National Executive Committee. The Queretaro has been the most questioned candidate in recent electoral history in Mexico, since it only got 17.65% (12 million 610 thousand 120 votes), a figure almost similar to that obtained by Manuel Clouthier in 1988, 30 years ago. He lost the election in all states, except in Guanajuato

Anaya Cortés should not return to the highest national leadership of PAN, nor to his own, with such results. If the PAN has said so much that it needs a broad transformation – even a refoundation – it will not be an easy task as long as the former candidate's group will attempt to maintain its protagonist role

and that Ricardo Anaya, to be a candidate, divided groups and individuals inside; before he has already done so to achieve the NAP's national leadership. Now, after his frustrated presidential participation was even more worn out, largely because of the legal issue that dragged throughout the campaign and that failed to escape unscathed.

Ricardo Anaya is credited, for example, the resignation of Margarita Zavala to blue and white, which ultimately led to a decline in the presidential campaign, because among many opinions were divided opinions and abroad that sent a terrible message for a new stage of government in Mexico.

Anaya Cortes faces, then, an almost widespread opposition within her party to come back in chief or impose one of theirs. Most of the PAN governors, grouped in the GOAN governors' assembly, have already marked the summit and the group still linked to the former president Felipe Calderón Hinojosa will soon be joined by others because there seems to be a real intention to change the internal state of affairs and strengthen, which would not happen under the anayista leadership.

The panismo has the responsibility to justify itself and to be placed at the height of the circumstances that today demands Mexico, where the majority decided to ratify a project of government of left, that the PAN, as a right-wing party, is required to represent a balance, let alone when it will become the second largest electoral force in Mexico.

If Andrés Manuel López Obrador obtained a decisive difference of votes over his opponents, more than 30 million, as well as the majority in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, with a majority in 19 entities, the NAPs are required to put in his party and represents a significant counterbalance to MORENA, which can be very healthy. After the elections, the PRI was broken and became part of the "little girl", while the Labor Party, as the third electoral force, is very "acuerpado" with MORENA and that would give strength in the years following.

There is no other choice than the NAP as a factor of balance in our nascent democracy and the NAP itself has no choice but to to come together and present itself as a reliable party that advances the well-being of Mexican society. internally, something that no politician or party should ever forget.

RESULTS A sponsorship of the tricolor flag appears in the contract established in front of Aguas de Municipio de Durango to pay for the drinking water service at PRI headquarters. By the way, it's late in the monthly payment and then they catch up; Of course, before the current municipal administration, not even a fifth was paid … A FEW DAYS BEFORE the start of FENADU2018, they report that there is too much free space in the center of Exhibition, despite maintaining the same prices of the previous year. reflects the difficult economic situation of traders. In short, some additional facility must be granted so that there is no empty spaces inside the enclosure … IT WAS GOOD DECISION of the Cabildo local to extend the time of sale of alcoholic beverages during FENADU2018, in the exhibition grounds; However, something must also be done by the municipal authority to implement the anti-alcohol operations with justice during this period of celebration in the state capital.

Twitter @ rubencardenas10


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