"And who are they?" Asked migrants about Café Tacvba


An acoustic guitar and his voice were enough. For 4 minutes Rubén Albarrán and Emmanuel del Real they sang and suddenly, the refuge for migrants he became an impromptu concert of Tacvba coffee.

The interpreters arrived at the camp at 4 pm in the afternoon to make a brief tour of the tents and greet the members of the caravan, many did not recognize them but anyway Albarrán He greeted the curious and even approached a group of men who play football to invite them.

"We will take some songs, you do not want to approach?" He asked them and then shrugged. "They are busy."

No matter the interpreter of "Battles"He went to see two women and their children who came to the ball and recorded them with their mobile phones.

The musicians played the song "Olita Del Altamar"And then they lit a salvia to clean up the environment, repel the bad energies and ask everyone migrants.

"In order for them to arrive at their destination, they must be cared for, protected, that they are welcome where they have decided to arrive and that the obstacles are solved. day be happy and the children have something to eat, "he said." They carry in their hearts their people that they have left behind. "

There was little applause because fewer than 10 people listened to the improvised concert; most of those who passed did not know them.

– And who are they? Asked a man who was passing by.
Nail mexican rock band, one of the reporters who covered the presentation responded.
– And are they famous?
– ah

Then, with just an acoustic guitar, they played "Flowers", One of the most significant songs of the creators of Satélite, Estado de México, dedicated to children.

"Wishing that the youngest ones can flourish, it blooms very beautiful, let these buds grow."

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