Andrés Manuel López Obrador celebrated that there were no major incidents this election day


At just over three hours to close the vote Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidential candidate of the coalition We We Will History, detailed that the day passed without problems major and

"Fortunately, there were no major problems and I am doing very well," he said.

He argued that the elections have so far gone on in holy peace and he hopes that it will continue.

Tabasqueño left his country house in Colonia Roma after 14:30. He said that he was going to eat at his home in Tlalpan and returned at 5:00 pm.

Separately Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón, regional coordinator of López Obrador, said that there was a high vote that day of election, so they say they are satisfied and happy. Even, he joked, the celebration of triumph could be the Zócalo or nearby.

In an interview about his departure from the tent of López Obrador, Ebrard Casaubón was questioned about whether he will celebrate in the Zocalo of the capital. "We will see, Zócalo or there, the vote is very good, we are happy, satisfied because there are too many votes right now," he said.
He argued that the elections had taken place without anxiety This time

"There is nothing that worries us that it is serious, there is a very high vote, the only thing is that 39, there was a delay in the installation but it is normal, "he explained.

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