Andrés Manuel López Obrador, persevered and reached



Perseverance paid to Andrés Manuel López Obrador

The Tabasco obtained yesterday the Presidency of the Republic because he persevered, because he was "stubborn and stubborn, "as he calls himself. 19659003] The third entry was decisive for the 64-year-old politician, baseball lover, survivor of a heart attack, father of four and author of 13 books.

He began his political career 40 years ago. He went from the PRI to peaceful civil resistance against the same party. Blocked the oil wells and led exoduses that did not seem to reach the promised land. He suffered the open and brutal confrontation against power, who attempted to kneel him in 2005. He accepted the challenge and survived.

His tours had no other direction than the need to know deep Mexico. Like no Mexican politician, he went to every corner of the country: he ate in small grocery stores on the highway; know each highway and highway. He has been approached in the mountains by sympathizers who only ask for a few minutes, words, encouragement and hopes.

He is able to generate an imaginary of sentences and characters that synthesize a vision of the country: "the mafia of power" "For the good of all, first the poor," "the unspeakable "," is a plot "," bean with weevil "

López Obrador became the most consistent and relevant politician of this century in Mexico. Without hiding it, he aspires to be recognized by history alongside Benito Juárez, Francisco I. Madero and Lázaro Cárdenas. Today, he has achieved something that those achieved with the support of arms: the presidency. Although, on the contrary, Tabasco has obtained it by an overwhelming majority of votes.

Children and the Diaspora

Andrés Manuel López Obrador was born on November 11, 1953 in Tepetitán, a village on the banks of the Grijalva, lost in the low-lying forest of Tabasco and one hour from Macuspana, the capital municipal.

Like every election day since 2006, the city has slept with a dream: Andrés Manuel will return as president to this place stopped in time. Like six years ago and like 12 years ago, no one doubted his victory this time around.

Nesho is the eldest of the seven brothers who had a typical childhood in the tropics. opportunities In the village, the story of the family, who owned a clothing store and shoe store, is well known.

After finishing high school, he got a key moment when he got a scholarship to study law at UNAM. He moved to Mexico City, surrounded by Casa del Estudiante Tabasqueño, where he received housing.

He graduated in 1976, returned to his country and joined the PRI. He participated this year in Carlos Pellicer's campaign in the Senate. The poet thought that in the fight men become good, idea that was recorded in the head of the young Andrés Manuel.

In 1977, the National Indigenous Institute appointed him delegate to Tabasco and began his travels to meet the needs of communities, cornered by the then booming oil industry that filled their country of origin with fields of exploitation.

This work was shared with the teaching at the School of Educational Sciences, the Autonomous University of Tabasco

Rocío Beltrán, with whom she took part. is married and has procreated José Ramón, Andrés Manuel and Gonzalo, today active members of the management of Morena.

In 1983, he was appointed chairman of the PRI at Tabasco, a position he held briefly. A year later, he was appointed director of social promotion of the National Consumers Institute, a position that allowed him to stay in touch with the poorest communities of Tabasco

. , and before the emergence of the democratic current in the tricolor led by Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas and Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, decided to join them. Finally, he left the PRI to be a candidate of the National Democratic Front as governor of his state.

It was the time when the PRI machines were crushing everything in front of him in the prosperous Tabasco. López Obrador lost the election of Salvador Neme Castillo

In this juncture, he joined the generation that founded the PRD, party of which he assumed the presidency in 1989. In the elections of 1992 to renew the town halls and Local Congress, PRD López Obrador began a walk in Mexico City asking for the cancellation of the elections. The pressure forced Neme to resign and leave Manuel Gurría in his place

This was the first major political triumph of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

From the local chief to the national

In 1994 he sought, for the second time occasion, the governor of Tabasco, in front of the PRI Roberto Madrazo. He lost again and began another "exodus" to the Zócalo in the country's capital, where he exhibited the irregularities of the election.

López Obrador himself says that one day, without warning, some people arrived on board a caravan truck that was camping near Mexico City and they gave him dozens of boxes containing the bills that showed that there had been electoral fraud in Tabasco.

The conflict provoked a break between President Ernesto Zedillo and Madrazo, at the defeat of the PRI in the 2000 presidential elections.

Part of López Obrador's protest movement against the state government included the closing of the oil wells. In a confrontation with police officers, they hit him with a blow to the head that knocked him out. His photo with his blood-stained shirt is a symbol of his civilian resistance.

His next step catapulted him to the national honor, when he was elected national leader of the PRD on August 2, 1996.

He went with him leader that the Aztec sun has obtained the leadership of the government in the first election for the office in 1997.

By concluding his tenure in the PRD, members of this party saw clearly that Tabasco had wood to go ahead. In September 1999, he was offered a candidate for the post of head of government in the 2000 elections. On July 2 of this year, he won, with a small margin, the Panista Santiago Creel Miranda, which won directed the presidential campaign of Vicente Fox. After his protest on December 5, he demonstrated that his form of government would break paradigms. From the beginning, he has been in the habit of meeting at dawn with his security cabinet. He also set up a daily morning conference that made him the Mexican politician most often appeared in his media mandate.

His first government actions were by the issuance of factions, a figure little used until then, but

In 2001, he launched the program that became the badge of his administration and has then copied by virtually all governments, including the federal government: the pension for the elderly, which has been extended to single mothers, the disabled and students. Other sectors

In November 2002, he announced the construction of the second floor at Periférico Sur and Viaducto Miguel Alemán, the emblematic work of his administration, requiring an unprecedented logistical effort and a resource exercise that was severely criticized.

The style of AMLO included the white Tsuru in which he moved, living in his austere apartment near Ciudad Universi and the circle of collaborators who follow him unconditionally so far.

From these years in the direction of the government, there are people like Cesar Yáñez, Bertha Luján, Claudia Sheinbaum and Marcelo Ebrard.

But all was not positive era His wife Rocío was in the terminal phase of a disease of the immune system. He died in January 2003 and was buried in Villahermosa

In the 2003 local elections, the PRD approved the majority in the Legislative Assembly, but an attack was under way to test the project that Tabasco was building. In March 2004, in a television show, videos showed that Rene Bejarano was receiving money from businessman Carlos Ahumada. The scandal was triggered and López Obrador was severely questioned, since Bejarano was his private secretary from 2000 to 2003. Bejarano accepted all responsibility, exonerated AMLO and was jailed temporarily.

In 2005, the trial that rocked López Obrador was triggered. . Everything was decided on April 7, after a long judicial and media process: the Chamber of Deputies discouraged him for not having accepted the refueling of the damages caused by the abusive construction of a road in a particular property , in Santa Fe. PAN Gabriela Cuevas went from the front to pay the fine of two thousand pesos

On April 24, already out of control, he led a demonstration in Zócalo. There, he announced that he was beginning a period of civil resistance and announced that he would resign as head of government. Thus, he became a natural candidate for the presidency of the coalition For the good of all.

On July 2, 2006, the expected victory in his favor did not come. In the most contested election in recent Mexican history, Felipe Calderón won 245,000 votes, or 0.7% of the total valid cast.

López Obrador denounced electoral fraud and summoned his supporters to take to the streets and organize a sit-in Paseo de la Reforma that lasted a month and a half

They were trepidating times for Andrés Manuel in every way . After the death of his wife Rocío, he began a relationship with Beatriz Gutiérrez Muller, who was a civil servant in the field of communication of the seat of the government. The couple was married on October 16, 2006 and became the parents of Jesus Ernesto on April 23, 2007.

After redesigning his project in the future and taking advantage of the momentum that he was able to make. he had reached, he convened a democratic national convention on April 20. November 2006 in the Zócalo. He was appointed by the assembly gathered there as the legitimate president of Mexico. He presented a cabinet and announced that he would tour the country and initiate a process of accreditation for his supporters.

With fierce opposition to the federal government, he came to the elections in 2012.

In his quest for the presidential candidacy, López Obrador did not take a step as open as six years ago. He understands that the parties that name him do not guarantee absolute control of his presidential campaign.

The National Regeneration Movement (Brunette), heir to the National Democratic Convention, registered as a civil society in October 2011 and held its first national congress on November 20 of that year.

At the same time, the PRD agreed that his candidate would be polled and that he would win who had a better chance of facing Enrique Peña Nieto.

Marcelo Ebrard came with the push of having headed the seat of government. On November 15, 2011, the results were announced and Ebrard came out more qualified in terms of trust, but the popularity of López Obrador was the main reason why the PRD decided that he would be his presidential candidate.

In March 2012, AMLO protested again as a PRD candidate, with the PT parties and Movimiento Ciudadano, to form the Progressive Movement coalition.

Unlike 2006, he started below the polls, averaging 20 points. However, in the final results, López Obrador was six points behind Peña Nieto, which meant a dramatic rebound and made investigators aware that their measurement procedures were unsuccessful.

After the defeat, instead of retiring, López Obrador chose to continue to visit the country and to specify Morena.

On December 3, 2013, Tabasco experienced chest pain that quickly worsened.

The dawn of 4 was hospitalized urgently. He was diagnosed with myocardial infarction and underwent angioplasty to place a stent a metallic device that is inserted into the coronary artery to keep it open and the blood flow restored. Four days later, he left the hospital and began his recovery phase.

When he was ready, he undertook a new tour of the country to promote Morena, who was registered as a political party on July 9, 2014.

the third candidacy was ready and he needed, again once, go around all the municipalities of the country.

By acclamation, López Obrador was nominated for president of Morena on February 18, 2018.

The 90-day campaign confirmed that López Obrador has reinvented himself. A politician who has made confrontation a strategy, there is little left.

The businessman Alfonso Romo showed him that the big capitals were not enemies. The former Pan-American presidents Manuel Espino and Germán Martínez have demonstrated that former enemies can now be collaborators

The advice of Manuel Bartlet explained that, in his new version, López Obrador is ready to forget the crimes, fraud and persecutions

. political operation of Marcelo Ebrard in the United States and the north of the country, and Ricardo Monreal in the most panista zone of Mexico, specified that the Tabasco planned to reinforce with the communities of migrants and the entities that cost the defeat to him [19659003] In his campaign, he re-edited his tours of the country, flying in the morning and spending the rest of the day in the rally. After 12 years in the field, he learned what to do to provoke the laughter, anger or hope of those who listen to him in the public square.

He was rarely seriously observed, even though he was sometimes overwhelmed in restaurants, airports and even boarding planes by supporters who asked him to take a selfie.

"Obrador", while the crowd shouted in the squares, he heard all sorts of proposals, complaints and suggestions with monastic patience. He has received thousands of papers, folders and envelopes with greetings and projects.

He closed his third bid by eating in small feeders, knowing first-hand the cost of gasoline that his driver was loading into the truck. . Arrival at the airport before dawn and descent of planes around midnight.

In each city, he proposed to come back with a specific plan to end the insecurity, encourage employment, see them face-to-face, because his presidency, he insisted, "will be traveling ".

Until the end of Estadio Azteca's campaign, this third round of the presidential candidate was shrill, overwhelming, exhausting and had a key ingredient: the sympathy of a younger generation who was voting for the first time and that, more open to the world, they do not see it as a danger to anyone.

The boy Nesho who swam so many afternoons in the Grijalva of his country, finally managed to reach another shore.

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