Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt will meet in court


Latest versions released on tense divorce Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie They pointed out that the two had managed to reach a temporary agreement on the custody of their six children last summer, but it seems that the negotiations have finally failed and that the two Hollywood actors will face a court next December. .

Yesterday Monday Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie They submitted the relevant legal documents requesting his extension until June 2019, the time they had been given to settle the details of their separation under the tutelage of the same "private judge" who had followed his case until his arrival. now and who would listen. all pre-trial petitions and proposals, which will also preside.

Angelina Jolie with her children in a past film festival. Photo: AFP

In the same process, the asset allocation of the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in the absence of a prenuptial agreement.

Photo: AP

It is expected that the meeting of the Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in the courts, it is held in camera, involving several minors, and it is possible that at least one of them receives special permission to appear by phone.

Angelina Jolie remains committed to exclusive custody of her six children, while Brad Pitt will ask for it to be shared. Until now, it is the actress who has physical custody of children, obtained on the basis of an interim arrangement to which both parties reached the end of the same year at the In June, the judge in charge of the case ruled that children should spend more time with their father and that their mother should help them as much as possible to repair their emotional relationship.

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