Angelina Jolie calls for an end to hostilities in Yemen and a solution to the humanitarian crisis


Actress Angelina Jolie, Special Envoy of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), today called for the immediate cessation of hostilities in Yemen and a final solution to a war that caused the worst humanitarian crisis in the country. new

"The international community has been extremely slow in taking action to end the crisis in Yemen, and we have seen the situation deteriorate to the brink of starvation and the worst cholera epidemic in decades." said Jolie, quoted in a UNHCR statement.

The activist is currently in South Korea, where she thanked the authorities and citizens for their support of Yemeni refugees.

At a meeting with Justice Minister Park Sang-ki, in charge of housing policies, Angelina Jolie praised South Korea's willingness to help half a thousand Yemenis arrived in May last on the tourist island of Jeju.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi also visited the country last month to express his gratitude for the solidarity shown by the Korean people, who have made generous individual donations to refugees and UNHCR.

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