Animal-borne diseases increase in spring and summer


Guadalajara, Mexico

The parasitic diseases and infections transmitted to humans by their pets – a disease known as zoonoses – increase in spring and summer Due to the conditions "This temperature (hot and humid), for humans and animals promotes the presence of bacteria and parasites in the environment more," said Dr. Ylenia Márquez in Efe. Academic of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)

Márquez explained that the gastrointestinal parasites of animals leave eggs or larvae in their excrement, and in climatic conditions of heat and moisture "the permanence of these eggs is favored and they do not lose viability."

The most common infections that can be contracted by pets are caused by bacteria and parasites, both internal and external, having contact with the dog's excrement or contaminated urine or the cat.

The most common types of internal parasites are intestinal worms, such as earthworms, which carry considerable risks to animal and human health and can cause diarrhea to malnutrition.

Contact with animal droppings is the most common route of entry of parasites.

However, there are infections they are transmitted by vectors (animals that transmit diseases from one living being to another) such as fleas or ticks.

Flea infections – external parasites – also increase during this season because their eggs are exposed to the environment. They will evolve into small fleas and they will reinfect another animal or human, "said Márquez.

The specialist pointed out that there are global studies that indicate that the global climate or climate favors certain types of people. infections, for example those caused by Leptospira, a bacterium that is transmitted by contact with the urine of infected animals.

leptospirosis common disease in hot and humid weather, causes symptoms in humans such as fever, headache, muscle aches, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting, and may even cause damage to certain organs.

Márquez emphasized the importance of taking appropriate measures. hygiene, being in contact with animals at home and on the street, or with their excrement or urine, and avoiding the ingestion of food exposed to the contamination of bacteria in the environment.

"I will be able That is, most of these diseases can be avoided by taking basic hygiene measures, "he said.

For example, taking the dog and picking up excrement, throwing them in the trash or burying them in the ground reduces the exposure of the cycles. It is also due to the fact that feces that have been sprayed by heat "travel with the wind like suspended particles that contaminate absolutely everything," explains Márquez

. He said that although zoonoses can affect any human, babies are more sensitive, patients with a deficiency of their immune system, patients with chemotherapy or with chronic diseases such as diabetes or cancer. , the elderly and pregnant women

In addition, assume the responsibility of having an animal companion, procure hygiene and health measures for them, such as close supervision of a veterinarian, and have adequate control of the vaccination.

"Maintaining this concept of health and prevention everyone, not only the family but also the community and the animal", concluded Dr. EFE

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