Announces Election of Trife in Monterrey [Estados] – 30/10/2018


Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.- A few hours after the end of the current administrations, the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Court of the Judiciary of the Federation could cancel the election to the mayor of Monterrey.

Sources consulted assured that, in view of the impossibility of an agreement, the magistrates would elect to order the convening of extraordinary elections within a period of two months from the resolution.

The sources added that the draft sentence of Judge Felipe Fuentes Barrera, who proposes to annul the decision of the Regional Chamber to give the triumph to the PRI, Adrián de la Garza, would have only the vote of two additional magistrates.

While three others would support the confirmation of the triumph of PAN Felipe Cantu, as defined by the Regional Chamber.

In the absence of agreement and pressure to resolve the case, the President of the Superior Court, Janine Otálora, could cancel the election by stating that there was no certainty as to the result.

"They do not reach an agreement, that is why the session does not start and that is why the president will announce at the table that they cancel the election and seek to cancel the decision in this sense, "said a source consulted.

If this decision were taken, he added, there would be new elections with the participation of the same candidates who opposed on July 1st.

At the local Congress, where the House has declared itself in permanent standby of the House to confirm there would be extraordinary elections in Ciénega de Flores, it could immediately seize the affair and elect a city ​​council to temporarily assume the government, that there is a winner in the extraordinary elections.

The council would be confirmed by a holder who would assume the functions of mayor and as many citizens as necessary to cover the number of councilors and commissioners that the municipal council would have as owners.

Congressional sources have confirmed that they are ready to face this scenario and that even if the permanent mandate was to be waiting for what could be given in the case of Ciénega, they could also do so. for the case of Monterrey.

The Council must be integrated by the citizens of Monterrey who were not part of the payroll they claimed in July.

The Congressional Governance Commission should be aware of the case and present the proposal for confirmation of the advice.

To be approved, they must be voted in favor of 38 of the 42 local legislators.

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