Anorexic? Caeli fans fear for their health (PHOTOS) – La Neta Noticias


The popular YouTuber uploaded a photo to his Instagram account in which you can enjoy his extreme thinness

One of the most famous Mexican women in social networks is, without a doubt, Patricia Caeli Santaolalla López , known simply as Caeli or Caelike . Due to its irreverence, charisma and grace have managed to win the hearts of millions of users, which is why it ranks among the top spots in the lists of most Latin American subscribers.

However, recently the influencer said he had gone through a difficult time, both in romantic relationships and in his intimate life.

In the same way, many of her followers remind her of an erotic video of which she was the protagonist and launch sharp criticisms. it's against. Because the YouTuber has a host of problems, some of its most loyal fans fear for their health because they claim that the inactivity of their YouTube channel, and extreme thinness with which appears in their photographs they are not good signs.

"You must eat, please, do not let the problems affect your health", "What's wrong with you? Why do not we know anything about you? "And" you are very pretty, but now you are very thin, do you have any food problems? ", Are some of the comments that your anxious disciples have written.

Up to now Caeli has not mentioned anything about it; however, he has shown his support for the Mexican national team which, unfortunately, was eliminated outside the 2018 World Cup in Russia losing to Brazil with a score of two goals to zero.

Foto: Instagram

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