Another caravan reproduces the door slamming. Segob locates armed people


A new mobilization of Central Americans breaks the bars to enter Mexico yesterday. Photo: Efe

Interior Secretary Alfonso Navarrete Prida rejected yesterday's violence by Honduran migrants against the federal police. Some of them reportedly carried guns and Molotov cocktails.

In a message to the media, the head of Segob said that the information had been shared with the governments of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras, so that if that were the case, those people would be arrested and placed in prison. provision of the corresponding authority.

He mentioned that during the action to contain a second caravan of migrants, coming from Honduras to the southern border, the federal police carried no weapons. not even those who shoot rubber bullets.

  • The data: Ayou started the transfer of troops from the US military to the border with Mexico; they will use land and air equipment to support the border patrol.

Navarrete Prida also rejected the events of 18 and 19 of this month, when members of the first caravan tried to violently enter the southern border ", attacking with stones, firecrackers, glass bottles and bombs for immigration officers and the federal police without weapons. "

He stressed that Mexico had respected the rights of migrants and emphasized the President's offer regarding the "You are at home" program.

In this order of ideas, the federal official said the CURP had already been granted to 300 people, while 1,895 asked to be accommodated.

"In Mexico, migration is not criminalized, it is considered a vulnerable group, it is recognized as a passage for migrants and it is recognized for the respect of migrants' rights, which is evidenced by facts" , did he declare.

Elements of the federal police monitor the southern border yesterday. Photo: Reuters

The message from the Minister of the Interior came after the events of yesterday. At around 5 pm, the migrants tried to reprimand the federal police, who were guarding the entrance to Mexico, without success.

The group of Hondurans threw stones, sticks and other objects on the metal door, which the national authorities responded with tear gas.

A few minutes earlier, the Commissioner of the National Institute of Migration, Gerardo Elías García Benavente, had addressed the migrants through a loudspeaker:

"Those who want to legally enter my country are welcome."

However, they responded to the offer with violence: they shouted for permission to enter and, when they failed to do so, they began their attack, which included the launch of some Molotov cocktails.

This second caravan arrived at 1 pm in Tecún Uman, Guatemala, where they managed to slam the police in that country.

The migrants threw all sorts of objects against the Guatemalan agents and began pushing the metal fence until the men in uniform withdrew and allowed the gangs of undocumented gangs.

This brawl at the entrance of the border bridge left at least 10 wounded, including five Guatemalan civilian police and a dead man.

According to the senior officer of the Guatemalan Volunteer Fire Department,
Ramon Girón, a companion, warns him on the radio that there was a person "with
"death diagnosis", due to a blow to the head with an object.

INITIAL CARAVAN AT OAXACA. Meanwhile, members of the first caravan decided to stay in the town of Tapanatepec, Oaxaca, to pause while defining the route to follow.

On Saturday night, a serious incident was recorded, when a crowd attempted to lynch a man of Guatemalan origin, whom they accused of attempting to steal a minor.

The young man was beaten and beaten by a group of men, but members of the caravan security committee rescued and handed him over to the municipal police.

Members of this first caravan agreed to hold an assembly on Tuesday morning to decide to move to the next point on their route, namely the town of Niltepec, 54 kilometers from Tapanatepec.

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