Another presumed escort of "El Chapo Leal" in Tijuana Falls


CITY OF MEXICO (approx.) .- Marco Antonio "N", presumed escort of drug trafficker Octavio Leal Hernández, El Chapo LealHe was arrested by agents of the state's preventive police in Tijuana, Baja California.

According to information published by the weekly Zeta, the company said in a statement that Marco Antonio was arrested on Monday 22 Boulevard Lázaro Cárdenas, while driving in a white Tacoma truck with its registration plates AP25806.

After his capture, the subject identifies with that name and presents a credential that accredits him as a member of a human rights group. He also wore a plaque with the caption "Tijuana Municipal Police" at chest height and a Motorola communication radio.

During the intervention, PEP officers found four long guns inside the truck, including three 0.23 AR-15 caliber and one 7.62 caliber called goat horn and three short : 0.45 caliber, 0.50 caliber and 9 gauge.

According to the detainee's version, he works for a cell of escorts and assassins in the service of El Chapo Leal; so-called, his job is to take care of himself and his family.

After checking the data of the unit managed by Marco Antonio, the system showed that the owner is Claudio's "N", apparently the father of El Chapo Leal.

The detainee stated that the truck in which he was traveling was being used to collect soil and other activities related to drug trafficking.

In December 2017, BCC police officers apprehended Daniel "N", also identified as an alleged escort. El Chapo Leal.

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