Ant-Man and the Wasp – Film review


  Ant-Man and the Wasp

Two and a half months after the creation of Avengers Infinity War, Ant-Man the Wasp is the film that Marvel Cinematic Universe needed.

Original Title: Ant-Man and the Wasp

Year: 2019

Director: Peyton Reed ( Ant-Man: The Ant Man ]) [19659008] Actors: Paul Rudd, Evangeline Lilly, Laurence Fishburne

Release Date: July 6, 2018 (MX)

We all remember the first time that we saw Iron Man ] 10 years ago, when it was just a movie that served only to entertain in the summer. At that time, the titanic structure of the film universe of Marvel did not exist yet, and although they insist to ensure, the presence of Nick Fury in the scene post-generic was only a simple gag . No one imagined what would follow. And it is that gag became so important that here we are, a decade later, talking about the 18th film of the MCU: Ant-Man and Wasp . to say that Ant-Man and Wasp is valued in the same way as Iron Man ten years ago. Peyton Reed's film recognizes its importance within the MCU, but never claims to be worthy or rival with a production of hundreds of millions of dollars like Infinity War . What he does Ant-Man and Wasp is – just like his protagonists – acting on a much smaller and intimate scale, but no less amusing.

The action takes place sometime later Captain America Civil War and, as we saw in the movie Russo, Scott Lang is placed under house arrest for violating the Sokovia treaties. A few days after serving his sentence, the action knocks on his door again and … no way to tell him no.

The film never has the "curse" of the "Hollywood sequel". It's the same as in the first part, but at the double: more action, more humor, more characters. Ant-Man and Wasp has the same cast, it is also located in San Francisco and the only new faces that seem to complete the story: Walton Goggins, Laurence Fishburne and the two real surprises Randall Park and Hannah John-Kamen. On the one hand Park, which we saw in the series Fresh the Boat and who plays here the agent Woo, offers a unique comic touch that does not rely on easy jokes or that We see coming from afar

Who steals the show is Hannah John-Kamen in the role of the evil Ghost. Unlike the first Ant-Man where the threat was Yellowjacket and his "original" plan was to dominate the world, Ghost's motive for confronting the protagonists is much more humane and understandable to the public. . As an audience, even sometimes we are on his side.

Peyton Reed pointed out that in this sequel the city of San Francisco would be much more explored and fulfilled. Although the sequence of the street persecution fails to follow what Michael Bay did in La Roca (19459015) (1995), we had not seen one of the most most iconic of the United States as a protagonist for a long time. . Lombard Street – with its tiny curves – and Fisherman's Wharf – with its intense seagulls – serve as a framework for a final act that explores all sizes of action.

What it gets Ant-Man and Wasp is the same thing that Kevin Feige has done with each production of the MCU: give each film a special personality. Let's be an almost Shakespearian family drama like Black Panther or a galactic eccentricity like Thor Ragnarok . Here we are in an adventure of criminals, much larger than the first part, where they flirt even – keeping any proportion, of course – with works of the style of Guy Ritchie (as Snatch or Games, traps and two smoking rifles ). The use of parallel plot lines that come together to complete and even solve the main plot is a clear influence of the British filmmaker. The seemingly irrelevant story of Walton Goggins is a very clear example.

However, it is this recourse to a "sub-plot" (Goggins) that sometimes leads us to divert our attention from the main action, and this forces us to ask ourselves: and all that, where is it going to lead us? And so, separately, the plot of Ghost or Scott Lang and Hank Pym, are more interesting than Goggins. And not because it is badly executed, but it crosses the field and several times explored: the group of bad guys who want something. It's up to the third act of the film when the stories come together and give us a result that makes sense to everyone

Ant-Man and the Wasp is the movie we need in the MCU after the epic and brutal end of Avengers Inifinity War : something intimate, which gives a necessary respite. Who expects a band with a lot of answers on what we will see in Avengers 4 will leave disappointed because it's a story that could be independent of everything. Even though it is a very nice film that, even with the suspense and tension of Infinity War e ncima, manages to stay standing

If this article interested you, PREMIERE Cinema recommends you to see:

  • Stolen Triumph (Dir Peyton Reed, 2000)
  • Snatch (Directed by Guy Ritchie, 2000)
  • Games, Traps and Two Smoking Weapons (Dir Guy Ritchie, 1998)
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Sergio López Aguirre [19659026] Stanley Kubrick once said "Having a broader vision, not only seeing the good cinema, also the bad" I obviously paid attention to the second and it's very funny.


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