Apple Music has already outperformed Spotify in the United States


Now, a new analysis published by Digital Music News ensures that it happened, although the difference is minimal.

It was going to happen. Apple Music outperformed Spotify in the United States, or at least those that matter most to businesses, paying users. In the rest of the world, however, Spotify is still king

The news should not surprise us. Earlier this year, The Wall Street Journal released an analysis in which they claimed that Apple Music was approaching Spotify very quickly in terms of paying subscribers, and that sooner or later they would join them. .

Neither Spotify and Apple announce the exact figures of their paying subscribers, but an external analysis indicates that the two companies currently have more than 20 million in the United States, but this month, Apple Music has managed to gain in advance

. History is another. Spotify has some 159 million users worldwide, but only 75 million are paid. Apple Music, on the other hand, accumulates 45 million monthly payment users globally, while Tidal has barely about 4.2 million paid users.

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