Apply a thousand doses against the flu


"It is necessary to eliminate the taboo according to which the flu vaccine can cause the proper reactions of a vaccine, but this avoids that they have more problems of febrile reactions this winter," he said. highlighted.

Monclova, Coah.- The State Department of Health (SS) maintains active in its health centers and hospitals the campaign of permanent vaccination against the flu before the arrival of the winter season, in order to strengthen the body and withstand the low temperatures such as recently they have enrolled.
The director of Benavides Amparo Pape Hospital, Ángel Cruz García, explained that it was necessary to set aside the stereotype that it could cause a secondary discomfort when the goal is to strengthen the body to prevent diseases.
He pointed out that the application of this vaccine had no cost to anyone who wished, having about one thousand units and, if necessary, could ask for more.

The State Department of Health (SS) continues in its health centers and hospitals the campaign of permanent vaccination against influenza.

Among the benefits received by the person applying the influenza vaccine is that it allows high immunity to so-called "cold weather" diseases.
When we talk about the reactions that the application of the vaccine can cause, it would be a local muscle pain, like any other vaccine, a symptom that disappears in less than 24 hours.
According to the Director, the indication to apply the vaccine applies in the majority of cases to elderly and young overweight patients.
However, the vaccine is available for application to the general population.
Fortunately, the vaccination culture has grown, resulting in minor complications due to the body's changing climate.
He clarified that it's more the advantage that some
A febrile event that can let the patient apply it.
He illustrated that these cold fronts required increased medical consultation at the hospital and health centers because of respiratory diseases or influenza-related illnesses.
He also pointed out that it was mandatory that the vaccine be applied every year, even if a year earlier, they had done it.

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