Appointed as representative in the Ayotzinapa case trials


The National Commission on Human Rights (CNDH) appeared in court in the four appeals filed by those involved in the disappearance of the 43 students of Ayotzinapa, in which the creation Truth Commission Ordered Iguala Case

According to the judicial records, the CNDH authorized a legal representative to intervene in the amparo proceedings in which the first Tamaulipas Collegiate Court did not know the "historical truth "From the federal government on the events of 26 and 27 According to amparo rulings, the Truth Commission ordered by the College must be integrated by the relatives of the standard setters, the staff of the CNDH and" The Commission of. Investigation for Truth and Justice (Iguala case) must be integrated, which will be formed by the representatives of the victims (parents of missing students), the National Commission Human Rights and Public Prosecution of the Federation, "states the resolution

Magistrates have ordered that once the commission created, is published in the investigation on the Iguala case will be subject to the approval of the representatives of the victims and the CNDH, which will also determine the lines of investigation and evidence to be practiced.

On Wednesday, the second unitary court with headquarters in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, ordered to inform the parents of the 43 missing students to join the Truth Commission, as established in the amparo judgments.

He also left the unfounded appeal conviction in which he upheld the formal arrest warrants against the victims. Salvador Reza Jacobo charged, "El Wereke"; Felipe Rodriguez Salgado, "El Cepillo"; Miguel Ángel Landa Bahena and Gildardo López Astudillo, "El Gil", and dictate a new one in which he orders the restitution of the proceedings from which they issued their statements, as there are indications that their confessions were obtained by the torture.

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