Aquaman – First Trailer and Commentary by James Wan



AquamanComic-Conjames wan

This is the first expected trailer of Aquaman … and the panel on Comic-Con 2018 exploded cheerfully! In addition, we have statements from Director James Wan.

The panel of Warner Bros. in Comic-Con 2018 is all that is needed and one of the most awaited things happened: here is the first trailer of Aquaman !

As you can see, the level of action and the balance of the scenes under and out of the water – at least in advance – is very good. It is clear that the challenge facing the Atlantean hybrid involves a direct battle against his half-brother Orm, in his struggle to become the Master of the Oceans and not to dominate only the Seven Seas, but to conquer the world of surface that has done so much damage.

But that's not all: we spoke with director James Wan, who told us exclusively that even though most of the story will go under water, he acknowledged the complexity of the challenge. the filmmakers never work with children, animals or water, "he tells us laughingly," the story and the level of adventure will show an Aquaman totally different from what we have seen up to now The New 52 comics DC)


About the trailer, Wan told us that they had prepared her so that she not only surprised this Comic-Con, but showed the two fans of Arthur in the comic book as cinephiles who do not like not necessarily the superhero movies that will see a great adventure in December. "Arthur and Mera are also gorgeous explorers out of the water, as you can see in the preview.But in addition, they are a lethal combination underwater.Wan was grateful that Zack Snyder (and later Joss Whedon ) respected not showing much underwater world in ] Justice League because he wanted to book that for this movie, and from what we've seen (in addition to the trailer) … it'll be worth it, but we'll talk about it later.

Will Will Orm be too bad what it seems? What role will Vulko ( Willem Dafoe ) play in the plot? Have you noticed the chemistry between Mera (Amber Heard) and Arthur Curry (Jason Momoa)? All this, we will know precisely on December 21, when Aquaman arrives in theaters

Original title: Aquaman

Year: 2018

Director: James Wan ( The Conjuration )

Actors: Jason Momoa, Amber Heard, Willem Dafoe

Release Date: 21 December 2018 (MX)

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Julio Vélez

Independent journalist for more than 16 years (at PREMIERE Cinema since 2006). He specializes in anime, comics, dubbing, technology and video games. His favorite sagas: Doctor Who, Star Trek and Star Wars. Batimaníaco, geek ochentero and hardcore gamer

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