Arabia is not able to increase its crude output, according to Iran


Saudi Arabia does not have the capacity to increase its oil production by two million barrels a day, according to the governor of Iran at the end of the year. Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), Hosein Kazempur Ardebili.

An Iranian official, quoted by the official IRNA agency, also noted that an increase in these characteristics would mean the withdrawal of Saudi Arabia from OPEC, since violates the agreements of the organization on the limits of production.

Saudi, Salman bin Abdelaziz, confirmed yesterday that he is committed to increase oil production at the request of the president of United States Donald Trump, to compensate " any potential supply gap ".

Trump previously stated on Twitter that asked the Saudi monarch an increase of two million barrels a day to contain oil prices went to "the turmoil and dysfunction in Iran and Venezuela."

The sanctions approved by the US against Iran after Washington's departure from the 2015 nuclear agreement, which in the case of the energy sector come into force in November, Iranian crude exports threaten

OPEC and its allies decided on June 22 to increase their crude output by one million barrels per day (mbd) to contain prices that are at their highest level since 2014.

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