Are you already pissed off receiving so many notifications on WhatsApp?


Are you already pissed off receiving so many notifications on WhatsApp?

WhatsApp image in the image

Photo: agencies. If you have entered this note, it is that you belong to a WhatsApp group that you want to flee and that you do not know how.

The Universal / La Voz de Michoacán

Mexico City. If you have entered this note, it is that you belong to a WhatsApp group that you want to flee and that you do not know how.

Quite often, we get – or agree to – a WhatsApp group with common interests, however, these groups sometimes start to become annoying.

Leaving the group is an option, but it highlights you in front of all the members and can cause you problems in your relations with your friends, colleagues or acquaintances. That's why in Tech Bit, we explain how to stop receiving messages from a WhatsApp group.

Silence notifications

This is an easy and viable alternative in which none of the group members will realize that you are not there … despite being in the group. To disable notifications, follow these steps:

Option 1:

1. Open your WhatsApp application.
2. Open the WhatsApp group chat.
3. Open the group information.
4. Under the Files option, you will find the option Make notifications silent. Here, you can disable group notifications for eight hours, a week, or a year.

Option two:

1. Open your WhatsApp application.
2. Find the WhatsApp group in the Cats list and hold it down until it is selected.
3. At the top of the screen you will find a menu with a bell: click on it and the group will be muted.
When you disable notifications, the chat is always present in the list of real-time chats, but if you do not want to know anything but you do not want to leave, there is another option.

Archive the cat

1. Open your application


2. Find the WhatsApp group in the Cats list and hold it down until it is selected.
3. At the top of the screen, you will find a menu with a small folder, select it and your discussion will be saved in a special folder that you will find at the end of the discussion list.
Although, if you are brave, there is always the option "Leave the group" with which you will not have access to group messages unless they add you again.

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