Argentina will be sentenced to life imprisonment for killing her boyfriend


CITY OF MEXICO.- On December 29 of last year, Nahir Galarza, 19, law student and daughter of a policeman, used his Instagram account to say goodbye to his boyfriend Fernando Pastorrizo with a picture that reads as follows:

"5 years together, fighter, coming and going but still with the same love, I love you forever my angel."

Hours after this publication was summoned by the prosecutor Lisandro Behrán to declare since she was the last person to see him alive reported Excelsior

Incredibly, sometime after and after several interrogations, the young woman claimed to have killed Pastorrizo with an "accident" To regularize her father

Her 10-year-old daughter-in-law: is 5 months pregnant

A security camera managed to capture her by walking quietly near her father's stage.

After an investigation, authorities discovered that the act committed by Galarza had been premeditated, since one day before the homicide, the couple had played in a fight in front of a discotheque. [19659002] More than six months after the fact, today the Court of Gualeguaychú, province of Entre Ríos, Argentina, decided to sentence her to life imprisonment to determine that It was a "qualified homicide". The assumption that the shots were made involuntarily was destroyed. They were intentional and directed shots, "said the jury in reading the sentence.

According to the newspaper Perfil, with this conviction, Galarza becomes the youngest woman to receive the maximum sentence. ]

During the trial, Galarza declared himself a victim of gender-based violence and accused Pastorizzo of being violent and punished, but the court ruled that there was no need had no evidence and dismissed the request of the accused's lawyers. 19659002] One of the most embarrassing moments of his statement was to make sure that he did not call an ambulance or did not inform anyone of what was happening because "being hurt does not mean that you are going to die."

"Triumph of Justice." Fernando's father, Gustavo Pastorizzo, at the exit of the court

His mother, Silvia Mantegazza, thanked in tears to all the people of Gualeguaychú the penny have been received in recent months. [19659002] I am at peace and silence. The truth could be reached and justice done. Now he will have to pay for what he has done. "

The decision is not yet firm and may be the subject of an appeal, one of Galarza's lawyers, Horacio Dargainz, has questioned the speed with which the judges have examined the evidence, this case, one of the most media of recent years

If higher courts ratify the sentence, Galarza could be released on parole after serving 35 years in prison, 54 years

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