Ariadne Díaz begins the break period


After eleven years of restless work, a time when she had only a truce when she gave birth to her son Diego, actress Ariadne Díaz shares that of today. When the end of the telenovela is transmitted
It had to be you
it started a withdrawal period that it would interrupt in October to promote the film
I swear I did not Did not go there

"For now I have the commercial release of my first film and they will not stop seeing me active on social networks, always doing and placing things, I still have to make TV shows, without getting involved in a new long project such as series or soap opera. "

I swear I was not
is a comedy directed by Joaquín Bissner, the cast is completed by Mauricio Ochmann, Marta Hazas and Marta Aura.

In an interview with Organización Editorial Mexicana, a native of Jalisco, explained that she will spend a lot of time just to be mom and to savor the daily routine of the house.

"This is not a definitive retreat, because I will continue making sporadic appearances in some programs and it's a saying that you'll rest, especially when you're a mother and you have a family, but beyond that I pursue my life every day, take classes on this or that subject, son in school, knowing where I will be in the day. "

Ariadne said that for the moment she does not want any other telenovela stellar, "I want to live the routine of my life, be calm, I want to be a little while, working many years without stopping, because when you called you know what time you are leaving your house, but not when you arrive and I will not have the huge uncertainty of what is happening with my family, "he declared


It had to be you
whose ending is broadcast today, Ariadne Díaz said that she liked it to be a plot away from the pink story in which a contemporary, professional, single mother, provider from his mother and with the principles well planted.

"Marisa as a character I liked a lot, basically it gave me a great time in my career, I think I had never had so much fun in a project of soap opera, we laughed a lot of our classmates we think I take the incredible experience of life. "

In the production of Mapat, Andrés Palacios, Ana Paula Martínez, Fernando Alonso and Rossana Nájera have also participated.

"I am very happy, always close a cycle is very nice.I thank all my colleagues, so much affection, so much friendship, knowing that we have concluded a project that has made us all happy and knowing that everything went as planned, I am very happy and excited that we will meet again to see the last chapter. "

The end of this telenovela warns Ariadne

will be different. "People have a habit of seeing fairy tale weddings, which will not happen this time, I think young people who see it will say that these scenes are closer to what you wait for a family or the love of your life.The telenovela was out of reach of a pink and yes story attached in situations we live day to day, "concluded the 39; actress.

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