Arizona Senate Candidate Explains How He Killed His Mother


  Senate candidate from Arizona explains how he killed his mother

I'm lucky to be alive twice, says Bobby Wilson


A Republican candidate for the Senate of Arizona surprised the gun control advocates by sharing the details of how he killed his mother in what appeared to be an act self defense more than 50 years ago.

Bobby Wilson Who He asked to represent a district in southern Arizona, said Associated Press that he did not try to hide what whatever. He said that his mother was "crazy" and that she shot him with a rifle when he was in bed on his farm in Oklahoma. At that moment, he shot him and killed him; That night, Wilson's sister also died and the house caught fire

I was lucky enough to be alive twice, says Wilson

Wilson wrote about these facts in his book "Bobby's Trial" ] (Bobby's Trial) of 2010 and also mentions them in his biography on his website, but they drew public attention when he is appeared on the Mothers Demand Action forum in Tucson earlier this month. it was a "living proof" that the only one that could prevent someone from hurting someone was a "good man with a gun".

He did not specify in this case that the person he had shot was his mother.

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Representative Daniel Hernandez, a representative Democrat the same district as Wilson is named, attended the forum. Gabby Giffords, the former congressman who received a shot at Tucson in 2011 and other firing survivors, were present at the hearing. Hernandez, who was on the scene when Giffords was shot, said Wilson had mentioned the incident and said she should have security guards.

I have never heard anyone being so aggressive with them. this vision and also drag Gabby on that. It was disgusting and disgusting, "he said.

Wilson was uncompromising by the criticism, and the night before the forum, he posted on Facebook that he was the only Republican candidate with the "guts" to show up. "he wrote," I loved him! "


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