Artz Square and the "Pandora's Box"


Plaza Artz and Pandora's Box

With the fall of part of the structure of the Artz Pedregal Square could be opened The Pandora's Box on real estate corruption in the city Mexico and that the next administration will begin a witch hunt. As a result, it was surprising that the Geographical Information System of the Secretariat for Urban Development and Housing (Seduvi) did not have information on land use permits for this place of business, which causes suspicion. It is striking that the director of the director of the construction of the shopping center, José Alfonso Pérez Cortés is the secretary Felipe de Jesús Gutiérrez Gutiérrez .

Morena reverses the extraordinary

Surprisingly, César Cravioto Morena caucus coordinator in the Legislature, overturned the proposal to draw an extraordinary period for the release of 698 of the million pesos for reconstruction. He initially said that his party would agree, but yesterday he expressed the opposite and he will support the capital's government to make internal adjustments and release resources. The question, they tell us, is that at Morena they fear that the extraordinary will be filled with other issues such as the nominations of the Local Anti-Corruption System, which according to the chairman of the Transparency Commission, PAN Ernesto Sánchez there is enough time for this and to prevent Morenoites from having a "carnal prosecutor".

Counterweight to Romo

In the future mayor of Miguel Hidalgo the group of councilors opposed to Víctor Hugo Romo Guerra begins to form. They tell us that today they hand over the documents to PAN members Alberto Burgoa Gabriela González R aúl Paredes and the PRI Lucía Ruiz from Teresa ] who had approaches to start work and put a magnifying glass on all the efforts of Mr. Víctor Hugo. We must remember that Morena's party will have the majority of councilors, with six of the 10 that will make up each town hall, but this compact team could make a good counterweight by pointing out the bad actions that the old PRD might incur.

Sheinbaum does not like Collins

In the close team of the elected candidate to the leadership of Mexico City, Claudia Sheinbaum nothing good n 39 was proposed to Raymundo Collins as secretary of public security of the country's capital, they even tell us that the issue was not consulted with Dona Claudia and they describe the proposal like a bad sign. However, this reading does not bother him at all to Don Raymundo, who yesterday was very happy by the corridors of the old town hall, where he spoke with the capital, José Ramón Amieva . If things go as planned, Collins will be responsible for the unit for about three months.

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