Ashley Greene, from "Twilight", gets married and wears two dresses for her wedding



American actress Ashley Greene who played the vampire Alice Cullen in the saga Twilight ( Twilight ), married this Saturday with her boyfriend for five years, the Australian Jason Khoury .

Greene, 31, chose to get married immediately and incidentally to wear two wedding dresses for a dream ceremony: one in a minimalist white model, fitted to the body, with a pronounced décolleté on the back and another on the chest, designed by Katie May .

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And the other, from the firm of Windi Williams-Stern composed of a transparent dress with flower embroidery.

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The wedding was held in an idyllic forest in Silicon Valley, California.

120 guests attended the wedding, according to the magazine Bride of which Robert Pattinson – ex-girlfriend of the bride in the franchise Twilight -, Zac Efron Liam Hemsworth and Josh Duhamel with his girlfriend, the Mexican Eiza González .

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Ashley Greene and Paul Khoury began releasing in 2013 and co They committed in December 2016 during their trip to New Zealand.


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