Asian mixed mixed bags; Nikkei, at least three months


TOKYO.- The most representative bags of Asi finished their operations with ups and downs, the Nikkei index causing losses falling to almost three lows months, amid growing concerns that the news The United States and China have threatened to impose mutually

Investors are preparing for July 6, when Washington will begin to apply duties on Chinese exports to United States for a value of 34 billion dollars.

A feeling of risk arising from a fall in the Hong Kong market and a weaker yuan prevailed among Tokyo market investors.

The Nikkei, Tokyo's main indicator, has closed a loss of 0.12 percent, to be located in 21 thousand 785.54 units.

At one point, the index fell 1.1% to 21,574 units, its lowest level since mid-April.

Meanwhile, the first section of the price index (Topix) lost 2.49 points and stood at 692.80 units, while the second section subtracted 34.59 points and was placed in seven thousand 214.59 units.

Non-ferrous and shipping companies were among the hardest hit in Tokyo after US President Donald Trump imposed tariffs on steel and aluminum products, falling by 1.9% and 1, respectively 6%.

Some technology titles have been among the few that have risen, as operators followed the example of the advance of high-tech papers in the United States on Monday.

Nintendo's shares rose by 1.9%, Keyence's shares by 1.0% and Murata Manufacturing by 1.2%

In contrast, the main Chinese indicators closed on the same day. Composite index of Shanghai gained 0.41%, to close in two thousand 786.89 units, while the Shenzhen index advanced 0.45%, to establish in nine thousand 221.54 whole.

The Hang Seng Hong Kong index lost 3 percent, then closed 1.41 percent, in the 28 thousand 545.57 units.

Singapore, meanwhile, closed 0.09 percent, with its Straits Times index being located at 3 thousand 235.90 units; while the Seoul Kospi index showed a marginal increase of 0.05%, ending up at 2,272.76 units.

With information from Reuters and Notimex.

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