Ask Graue to reconcile the country from July 2nd


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Political propaganda, debates and misinformation took place in a climate of uncertainty and bitterness that has become rare with the high number of killings of candidates in various popular elections. so that "right now" we all reconcile, make more efforts and create a renewed culture of commitment and goodwill, and it is urgent to do so from July 2 for the Mexico ", summoned Enrique Graue Wiechers, rector of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). Graduation Ceremony of the 2015-2018 generation of the Master of Communication with a specialization in scientific journalism, promoted by the Ealy Ortiz Foundation, AC, UNAM and the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), the rector said that in this environment correspond to journalists who "seek the truth and spread it".

Graduates of masters have assured them that doing journalism should not be a simple task or free from We must confront them with seriousness and responsibility.

"They must seek the truth and spread it, denounce corruption, injustice and strengthen democracy and credibility. It is up to all of us to come together, commit ourselves to more effort and create a renewed culture of commitment and honor. It must be done for Mexico, "he says.

" A risky profession " Before the Executive Chairman and the Board of Directors of EL UNIVERSAL, Mr. Juan Francisco Ealy Ortiz, Rector Graue mentioned that according to the International Federation of Journalists, Mexico is one of the countries of the world with great risks to exercise this

He pointed out that the data of this organization indicate that in 2017 there were 13 communicators who died in the hands of delinquency and he clarified that the six murders recorded so far this year must be added. "With these data, only l & # 39; Afghanistan presents more alarming figures. "

" With them, not only are lives completely lost, but crimes against democracy and freedom ", so that these" attacks against society "are

He explains that "In a country that reads little, the different Newspapers compete for an audience that does not grow significantly and who gets used to superficial and unthinking information, such as false news and post-truths. "

The Rector said that in such an environment, it is necessary to make available to the public, in a truthful, understandable and informed way, the advancement of scientific knowledge and the ability of the public. encourage the reader to become more competent.

"As the language of science oscillates between the subversive and the unintelligible, it is up to you, with your new preparation, to interpret and thus create a receptive and informed public, who values ​​the evidence-based. "He promised that in this task the University will not only be at the moment, but will be a permanent company.

Graue said that the first generation of the Master in Communication with Specialty in Scientific Journalism is concluded, thanks to the interest that since 2013, he invited the Ealy Ortiz Foundation, AC, to associate with the creation of the Jack F. Ealy Workshop on Science Journalism

"Through this program, dozens of specialized journalists were received by the community of the Institute of Biology in 2013, at the 39, Institute of Astronomy and the Faculty of Medicine, in 2014, at the Faculty of Science in 2015 and at the Institute of Biomedical Research in 2016. "

" Mexico requires a greater scientific culture ". At the ceremony held at UNAM's Ignacio Chavez Seminary Unit, Mr. Juan Francisco Ealy Ortiz assured that in Mexico, society needs to develop a greater scientific culture to better understand contemporary complexity

. trained journalists who are able to convey reliably, with appropriate and simple language, each of the advances that are occurring in the different fields of science.

"Science is currently a fundamental part of society, and we believe that people need to develop a greater scientific culture to understand the complexity of the reality we live in. That's why we need journalists trained to transmit, in a reliable manner and with appropriate and simple language, the progress that is occurring day by day in the different fields of science. "

At the ceremony where the director was present Enrique Cabrero Mendoza and the director General of EL UNIVERSAL, Juan Francisco Ealy Lanz Duret, among others, Mr. Ealy Ortiz announced the second call, in which 15 scholarships will be awarded

They were also accompanied by Mr. Juan Carlos Ealy Lanz Duret; the director of the Ealy Ortiz Foundation, AC, Enrique Bustamante Martínez, and Gustavo Lomelín, secretary general of the Association of Ibero-American Educational and Cultural Televisions

Before them, Mr. Ealy Ortiz emphasized "with pride that our goal of strengthening the professionalization of science journalism has been fulfilled.For the first time in Mexico, we can certify a group of 13 journalists as science journalists at the end of this master's degree.

"This professional training exercise was consolidated from the moment when the National Autonomous University of Mexico, our alma mater, embraced This project opened the doors of this study house to train 13 journalists in an innovative academic project and set a precedent in Latin America. "

He thanked the academic support of excellence offered by UNAM, the value of the Conacyt scholarships, the coordination of the Ealy Ortiz Foundation team, AC, as well as The Experience of Jack F. Ealy's Workshops on Scientific Journalism

Recognizing the Work of the Ealy Ortiz Foundation, AC Enrique Cabrero Mendoza, Director of Conacyt, stated that he was very pleased with the graduation of the first generation of Master's students in communication with a specialization in science journalism and underlined the commitment of Mr. Ealy Ortiz in this initiative

. the Ealy Ortiz Foundation, AC, for forging science journalism based on professionalism and continuous preparation, "he said.

He pointed out that UNAM is one of the great allies of the scientific sector, having collaborated with Conacyt in countless projects and at the same time hosting the country's strongest research community.

"Communication is undoubtedly a profession nourished by perseverance and perseverance. wonderful opportunity to be heard or read "and in this context, for scientific journalism, the task is even more complex because of the difficulty He commented that a few days ago was released the Survey of Public Perception of Science and Technology, which figures indicate that 42% of citizens are not interested in the exact sciences; 18% visited a science museum last year, and 72% of respondents believe more in faith than in science, which represents some of the challenges for the sector and science journalists have a fundamental role to play. 19659002] An era of false news . Gustavo Lomelín, who spoke as a representative of the graduates, said that in this digital context with infinite possibilities, in this time of post-truth and false news, social networks handle so much information manipulated, often with armies of bots. The challenge is to be a truthful and reliable source that eliminates the major threats of distortion of current information, with false narratives that induce perceptions totally out of the real world. We have in our hands the responsibility for the future and the credibility of the media. "

He stressed that in each of the graduates there must be a communicator or a journalist ethical and rigorous in his work, but especially in the management of information" Our continuing education is fundamental to professionalize the profession, to avoid the " improvising and eradicating the vices that have taken over from communication in the digital era. "19659002" Let 's go out and honor our profession. We give all our meaning to this project of the Ealy Ortiz Foundation, AC, UNAM and Conacyt. "

Enrique Bustamante Martínez, director of the Ealy Ortiz Foundation, AC, pointed out that for nearly 15 years they have delivered more than 1,600 scholarships to scientific journalists from more than 300 media outlets from all Ibero-American countries in four editions, with the participation of more than 700 lecturers, researchers, academics, scientists, officials and entrepreneurs from different latitudes of Latin America.

He pointed to the completion of master's degree studies generation promoted by the Ealy Ortiz Foundation, AC, with the support of UNAM and Conacyt. "It was a time of great challenges, sacrifices, many studies, but today, with a deep satisfaction, you can all say: mission accomplished. "

He said that" we come to this moment that closes one cycle and opens another. We will continue to work on the training of journalists ", paying particular attention to areas such as health, environmental protection and the advancement of technology.

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