Assume the results of the brigades against Zika and Dengue


Mario Sopeña Mata, pointed out that in León, citizens still did not let the brigadistas of the Ministry of Health go home to do the work of prevention and called to change this refusal

Daniel Vilches

] León.- The Head of the General Direction of Municipal Health Mario Sopeña Mata presumes that in León works to prevent the proliferation of mosquitoes Zika and Dengue have results, because unlike last year, where there were more than 2,000 cases, this year there are only nine cases of dengue and five cases of Zika.

The municipal official pointed out that León ] the nebulization works are carried out in public spaces and pantheons and the collection of tires that people kept in their homes, where up to now they have more than 13,000 of these tires.

Sopeña Mata pointed out that in León the citizens still do not allow members of the Health Secretariat Brigade to do the work of prevention.

"They work a little under 50% of houses, because they do not open, or let them in. In this sense, we ask that they let us work "

The director of health recommended wearing long-sleeved, repellent clothing so as not to go off at dawn or dusk," And when we come back, if unfortunately somebody will not be there. one has symptoms, do not self-medicate, go to the nearest health center to isolate it, no human contact but the possibility of being bitten by a mosquito in your house, and to his turn, it stings us. "

" The mosquito is in the city, it is here to stay, but we can reduce the number of cases, "he said JJM

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