Astrobee is the next generation of the SPHERES project


UNITED STATES.- The story goes that in 1999, the professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) David Miller showed Star Wars to his students and their said to build a flying robot like that of the movie

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Hence the project SPHERE and its three floating spheres, which helped astronauts work on the International Space Station for more than 10 years. NASA is currently working on its successor, Astrobee, which will be operational in 2019 and will be even more autonomous and versatile.

"It's like Roomba's Space Station," jokes engineer Jose Benavides of the Systems Division. Smart at the NASA Ames Research Center.

The comparison with the popular smart vacuum cleaner is short, especially in this second generation of the robot. Astrobee can, for example, monitor radiation, sound or CO2 . Take photos and record videos, and you can move around the resort with the help of a small arm, to help astronauts and their team, locate different objects and components in the space and help with the programming of satellites and other robots.

"It turns out that astronauts waste a lot of time repositioning cameras so Earth's control sees what's happening in the station, they waste a lot of time taking measurements, samples, to look for things … "explains Benavides. "All of these things are things that a robot can do on its own."

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