Asur plans to invest about 11 billion pesos


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Grupo Aeroportuario del Sureste (Asur) has announced its investment master plan for the period 2019-2023, where it plans to invest 10 thousand 894 million pesos in the nine airports that it operates in the country.

who will take the bulk of the investment is that of Cancun, with 5,000,888 million pesos in the next five years.

The second highest investment airport is Mérida, with 1,987 million pesos in the period.

The Cancún International Airport is the second largest terminal in the country, with the largest international passenger traffic, especially travelers from the United States.

Last December, Asur inaugurated the expansion of Terminal 4 of Cancun Airport, which required an investment of 3 billion 412 million pesos

The expansion will allow the mobilization of 9 million additional passengers a year.

The new investment plans for the Cancun airport are to open a fifth terminal, which will add another 9 million passengers to the terminal.

In the first half of the year, said airport carried 7 million 382 thousand 487 passengers, 10% more than in the first half of 2017.

Banco Ve por Mas pointed out that the plan Asur investment is 55% higher than the previous five years, and that in 2020, the largest investment volume will be given, That accounts for 39% of the investment. Total investment for the period.

For the Mérida airport, it is planned to open more rooms and places, because the terminal has two runways and, for the moment, this seems sufficient. [19659002] In the first half of 2018, the airport of Mérida carried one million passengers 54,666, 12.6% more than in the same period of the previous year.

Yucatán air connectivity is important for the airport group attracting more passengers, two direct flights to Tuxtla Gutierrez and Queretaro were opened in June.

The Mérida airport is also connected to two of the major airports of the United States: Atlanta and Houston, from where you can travel almost anywhere Vector Casa de Bolsa adds that the most important part of the plane of investment is the maximum rate of use of the airport for each of the terminals.

Asur explains that the maximum rate of passenger use or for every 100 kilos of cargo, in Cancun, it will be 166.24 pesos being the lowest of all its airports.

While the highest rate will be that of Cozumel airport, with 245.59 pesos.

The concession titles of each airport establish that the maximum fare at this airport will be reduced each year to reflect the anticipated efficiency improvements. "

" For the five-year period ending December 31, 2023, the maximum rates applicable to Asur airports will be reduced according to an annual factor of efficiency of 0.70% in terms of "

In total, from January to June, Asur carried 16 million 854 thousand 859 passengers to Mexico, 7% more than the same period of the previous year. [19659002] The group also operates airports in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where it carried 4 million 135 thousand 978 passengers in the first half of the year, and in Colombia, where its traffic was 4 million 889 thousand 688

In San Juan de Puerto Rico this year traffic was better, because it was nearly a year since Hurricane Maria.] [ad_2]
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