At least one journalist and one policeman were injured at the entrance to a migrant caravan


The federal police arrested the caravan of migrants who were trying to enter Mexico and restored order at the Guatemalan border, after an attack that caused for a few minutes the entry of hundreds of people into the country. country without going through the immigration controls.

The chaos and violence unleashed today at the border between Guatemala and Mexico, when thousands of Central American migrants demolished a fence and went to Mexico, national media reported.

Interior Minister Alfonso Navarrete Prida denounced the fact that thousands of Hondurans of the Caravan migrant "forcibly" entered Mexico, injuring Mexican policemen at the border.

The Mexican police tried to stop them and the migrants started throwing stones. At least two policemen and the journalist María de Jesús Peters of El Universal were injured.

Maria de Jesús Peters was on the Mexican side of the border and was expecting about three thousand migrants, according to various sources, to begin the crossing.

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According to the Interior Secretary's version, Alfonso Navarrete Prida, the migrants chose to enter "by force", even though the Mexican authorities had reached an agreement so that the revenues were generated in an orderly manner. in groups of 50 and 100 people.

Caravan migrants from Honduras on Friday climbed a metal fence surrounding customs facilities on the border of Tecún Umán (Guatemala), with Ciudad Hidalgo (Chiapas), and reached the border bridge "Rodolfo Robles" on the river Suchiate to enter Mexico. The migrants managed to enter the Mexican territory.

Shortly before 1 pm local time in central Mexico, a group of migrants with children climbed the door to reach the Mexican zone.

Finally, the Mexican authorities began to instruct migrants by loudspeaker to try to contain the situation.

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