AT & T launches initiative to support social entrepreneurs


Mexico (Expansión) –

More support for Mexican social entrepreneurship arrives. Young people between the ages of 18 and 29 who have an idea for solving social or environmental problems in their community through technology, could receive training and mentoring from experts to make their proposals come true. The key resources will be opened by presenting your case in a video of half a minute.

It is the initiative "30 Seconds for Mexico" jointly launched by the telecommunications company AT & T, the New Ventures accelerator and the Dalai Lama Center for the 39; Ethics and Values ​​Transformation from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (The Center at MIT). The goal is to provide young people with business and communication tools to carry out their project, through a bootcamp in Mexico and a leadership program in Boston, says Alejandra Menache, senior manager of the social responsibility of AT & T..

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Some areas of interest are education, water savings, the use of renewable energy, financial inclusion, among others. To be considered, proposals must have a technology component. "You can use platforms or applications, alerts and anything you can imagine that relies on technology," adds Menache.

The appeal was launched on July 9 and ends on August 31. To participate you must be Mexican, have a valid passport and a visa until May 2019, as well as speak English, as well as download on the platform the video in which they present their proposal and answer a short questionnaire to give more details of the same.

Once the call is over, the experts from New Ventures and the MIT Center will select the top 50 proposals. The winners will participate in bootcamps face-to-face given by the accelerator in different cities of the country, next October. "New Ventures has a robust and personalized methodology for accelerating business, it will provide access to specialized sources of funding and mentoring," says the leader.

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Among these proposals, 15 young people will be chosen to travel to Boston for a leadership class and innovation taught by The Center at MIT. "We do not want to lock ourselves into new ideas, there are surely social enterprises in the initial phase that have not been finalized, they can also participate," concludes Menache.

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