Atala Sarmiento denies any new false notes about alleged projects


July 29, 2018

They stated that "they had reached the price".

Twitter @AtaSarmi

Atala Sarmiento exploded against the newspaper Basta !, After announcing that he had signed a so-called contract with a fashion program, after the TV broadcaster said that "if it had reached the price. "

Since I left Ventaneando and TV Azteca, several rumors have begun to emerge on the new contracts that the host would have signed with other TV channels, but she always went out to deny them and this time it was not the exception.

After hearing about the publication that the newspaper had made, Sarmiento rejected the information on Twitter:

"Dear friends of the newspaper Basta: FALSE EVERYTHING Neither negotiations, nor arrangements, nor nose I n I visited this program more than when I was invited Why invent? I do not understand it.

The host appeared on several programs Televisa or Imagen Televisin, but only as a guest, since she has not signed any contract with anyone so far.

This week, he debuted as a columnist for "El Heraldo ", his only work since he left the television station Ajusco.

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