Athlete's foot may come from not changing the leaves


CITY OF MEXICO.- This is what happens if you do not change your sheets often.

How often do you change the sheets of your bed ? You have to admit that changing the sheets is one of the laziest routines that they give over the weekend, reported MX Vanguardia.

However, if you have surrendered more than you would dare to admit, you might have an unpleasant surprise.

According to Mary Malone, a laundry expert who writes about, leaving the sheets unchanged for a long time could cause some health problems such as infected wounds and athlete's foot .

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According to Malone, during sleep we sweat, which means that the body releases substances and waste

"It is possible to find saliva, urine, genital fluids and feces in the fibers, "he told ATTN.

In addition, fungi can be caught through the tissue, such as the athlete's foot.

"A lack of clean sheets and pillowcase allows the liquids to seep into the mattress and pillow, and" In contrast, Professor Val Curtis, of the School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in London, do not think dirty sheets are dirty. "As far as I know, no one has done a study that shows that changing the leaves can not cause any health problems," he acknowledged in the British edition of HuffPost . "Leaves are not a particularly good habitat for bacteria that cause skin infections and, in addition, lice and bed bugs are not abundant."

"If you regularly wash the sheets, they will be fine and give a good feeling, as if you change your clothes regularly," says Curtis.Although he recommends changing the sheets once a week, that would be, more than anything, "for aesthetic reasons."

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