Atlas says goodbye with a tedious draw in front of his people


Third consecutive opportunity Atlas stay with the draw in the tournament Opening 2018 against Pachuca by a score of 0-0, where the Red and black they had more clarity to break the zero in the Jaliscobut the fortune was not on his side in the day 16 of the Liga MX.

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The foxes they had the opportunity to open the scorecard when the clock marked the 15th minute of play, after a pass filtered through the left lane that had been refocused so as to get the first goal of the match, but the goalkeeper Alfonso Blanco avoided a few times that the ball comes into its frame after two shots of Juan Pablo Vigón.

Moments later, the colossus of Jalisco Stadium exploded after an entry made by Jefferson Duke that he immediately celebrated in the left flag, but the flag man indicated irrelevant to disregard the purpose that seemed to put the Red and black at the front on the dashboard.

Both teams had a few moments of respite on the second page, the changes made by the coaches Ángel Guillermo Hoyos (Atlas) and Francisco Ayestarán (Pachuca).

With this result, the locals remained in the penultimate position of the championship with 11 points Veracruz who is the last; visitors were equal to White Roosterss Querétaro with 23 units and with aspirations to be eighth in the liguilla.

For the next week Pachuca receive Lion in the Hidalgo Stadium; as Atlas will go to North Sultane measure up Monterrey.


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