Atopic dermatitis present in children and adults


It is the third cause of consultation with the dermatologist

Climate change, stress and the use of soaps that dry the skin are factors that lead to the appearance of the Atopic dermatitis, one of the three primary responsible disease consultation with the dermatologist.

Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease that affects 17% of the world's population and in most cases – 80%, according to experts – begins earlier than five years ago.

The main characteristic is itching and it affects the face, the popliteal space (behind the knee) and the bending of the elbow, among other parts of the body. Among its symptoms are redness of the skin and rash.

"It is a very embarrassing disease because of the itching that it causes and, in the case of adults, it affects their quality of life because sometimes they can not" daily activities ", Dr. Adriana López Tello Santillán, Head of Dermatology at the Toluca Issemym Medical Center

People with atopic dermatitis have a deficiency of filaggrin protein which, genetically, does not show up properly, record an alteration in their immune response

The doctor notes that the disease is more common in cold climates, because near the coast or in moist climate places the skin is usually adapted.However, he says, it is possible that solar radiation and ultraviolet can also affect. "Climate change can affect because once the skin adapts to an environment, it knows in a certain way when the weather changes. to change. "

As a precaution, Dr. Adriana López recommends avoiding the factors detected as triggers of the problem. – Jorge Ivan Canul Ek

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