Attack at the funeral in Zacatecas leaves 6 dead and 14 wounded


  The funeral attack in Zacatecas leaves 5 dead and 17 wounded

Photo: Danger zone Facebook / Zacatecas


An armed command opened fire to the 39, inside a funeral home located on the head of the municipality of Fresnillo, Zacatecas, has left six dead and 14 injured last Sunday.

Rocío Aguilar, spokesman for the government of Zacatecas, announced that "armed people attacked by firearms to the participants, six people were killed by this aggression."

On Saturday, two men were killed in a bar; they were veiled Sunday

It should be noted that paramedics reported several injuries

Six dead and 5 wounded after the accident of The Threshing Band [19659005]] The public security authorities set up an operation to locate those responsible; According to the official, the investigations indicate a settlement of accounts between antagonistic criminal groups.

"Among the victims of Saturday, there is a minor of 17 years, who was arrested on June 13 by elements of the state police for carrying doses of drugs; a restrictive punishment for not leaving the state because it had been made available to the public prosecutor's office after detecting the possession of at least 80 doses of drugs. "

The Six Victims of the funeral home attack They join the two men killed at the bar, in addition to the murder of six people on a federal road in the municipality of Momax.A total of 14 people were killed during the weekend in the entity.

On March 30, this newspaper reported that the Zacatecas prosecutor's office was working on the rescue of bodies in at least eight clandestine tombs discovered at Villa de Cos.

There were two pits in Inside which were the bodies of two person

At another time, the authorities discovered that there were pits ready to house bodies and that they had not been used yet

. of the State, in Valparaiso, the Office of the Prosecutor found only one search, but it sheltered several bodies, including two women

Towards the semi-desert area, the authorities discovered that shots were also used to lay corpses; in Mazapil, the remains of three people were saved.

The bodies would be between one and three years old to be there.


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