Attacks in six NL bars leave 12 dead and 7 wounded


A wave of attacks in six bars in Monterrey and its metropolitan area left 12 dead and seven wounded.

According to the authorities, events occurred between early Saturday night and early Sunday morning. the capital of Nuevo Leon, as well as Guadalupe and Juárez

The series of attacks began in downtown Monterrey, where three companies were simultaneously targeted by armed groups.

The first was produced on Saturday night at the bar of La Jarra ll, in Colón and Amado Nervo, where the cadenero was shot down

A 64-year-old man has a bullet in the right collarbone, reason for which his state of health would be serious.

Ten minutes later, two men were also shot dead within one kilometer, at El Ancla de Oro bar, at the intersection of Juan Álvarez and Arteaga

A man, identified like Hugo Alberto Hernández, died because of the impacts Meanwhile, the first minutes of yesterday, a lone striker killed a man and wounded three others after being introduced to the New Chilo's bar , on Chapultepec Avenue, at its intersection with the tenth zone, Colonia Buenos Aires.

Later, two gunmen attacked a bar in the north area of ​​Monterrey, where two porters were murdered, while a guard was seriously injured.

The events occurred yesterday around 00:40 in the city of Monterrey. The bar La Mitotera, on Avenida Aztlán and B. Miter, in the district of San Bernabé

The local porter, identified as being Alejandro Morales Martínez, 28, was left without life, while he was not allowed to live. at the university hospital he died the other employee, identified as Hipólito Ismael Zamarripa.

The victims were at different tables, when the attacker entered the site

Red Cross paramedics arrived at the scene, who declared the death of the victim. In addition, a young man was shot in the hip.

In turn, in the municipality of Guadalupe, three men were shot dead on the outskirts of a bar, two of them lost their lives and another was injured.

The facts were reported near 00:30 Yesterday at Bar Bohemios, on Avenida Acapulco and in San Luis, Cañada Blanca colony.

The municipal police found three people lying on the sidewalk and asked the help of rescuers who took the wounded to a nearby hospital. ] In a bar in the municipality of Juarez, five customers and a waitress were killed in the first minutes of yesterday

The events occurred in the restaurant Rancho Viejo, in Camino streets in San Roque and Camino Rancho Viejo, Colonia Los Naranjos, where a customer and a waitress were injured.

Authorities received report at 00:07 yesterday

Armed Breach

Five women and two men were injured. shot in a house in Colonia Francisco I. Madero, Tlaquepaque, Jalisco

The multihomicidio was produced on the farm marked with the number 345 Mariano Moreno street.

According to early reports, armed individuals in two vehicles arrived at the site and entered the farm and all murdered.

In the scene, .223 and 40 millimeter caliber percussion shells were found. Most of the victims were on the beds or chairs.

The street where the house is located was closed by police and state authorities. There is still no official version of the reason for the attack, although the prosecutor's office is already conducting an investigation into the case.

In Veracruz, two people were shot dead in central Acayucan

The wave of violence also resulted in 11 homicides in various areas of Chihuahua.

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