Attempt against the candidate for mayor of Huauchinango, Puebla


HUAUCHINANGO, Pue. ( .- Unknown men on Saturday slaughtered the house of the candidate of the Alliance for Puebla-Partido Verde Ecologista Mexicano (CPP-PVEM) to the mayor of Huauchinango, Rafael Gutiérrez Alpízar.

According to CPP management, the candidate and his family were not injured by this act of intimidation that was perpetrated by individuals who moved into a van from where they were traveling. shot at Gutiérrez Alpízar's house.

Yesterday another man Fernando Manzanilla Prieto, candidate for the federal deputy of the coalition "Together we will make history", denounced the violence in the context of the elections, which assured that his campaign seat has was attacked by unknown persons who threw a Molotov bomb

The candidate went to the Attorney General's office to report that in addition to breaking the glass of his office, the attackers also destroyed the pare -brise the back of the car of one of his campaign collaborators

The candidate has accused former governor Rafael Moreno Valle, who is also his brother-in-law, to be at the origin of this attack.

It should be remembered that in this same region Huauchinango, on June 2, Juana Maldonado Infante, candidate for the position of local deputy of the Green Ecology Party of Mexico (PVEM) of District 2, and Erika Cázares, health advisor for the municipality of Juan Galindo, were murdered

. The municipalities of Huejotzingo, Ocoyucan and Francisco Z. Mena, José Jairo García, Aarón Varela and Gustavo Martín Gómez Álvarez, were also murdered. He was also killed Constantin de Jesús Mundo, promoter of Morena in the municipality of Venustiano Carranza

Ángel Morales Ugalde, an independent candidate for the post of mayor of Palmar de Bravo, had been kidnapped for more than a month, but he was unhurt yesterday.

In recent weeks, the mayor of Tlanepantla municipality, José Efraín García García, and the defenders of the rights of peoples, Manuel Gaspar Rodríguez and Adrián Tihuilit, were murdered

On June 1, the candidate of Morena to Juan Galindo's mayor, Carlos Garrido Torres, denounced that a group of armed men shot him while he was driving his vehicle on the road that goes from the federal highway Mexico-Tuxpan to the auxiliary commission of Necaxaltépetl

. Unknown subjects have shot down the home of Gilberto Ramírez Casanova, mayoral candidate for the Social Integration Pact (PSI) party of the municipality of Acateno.

On the 26th, the PRI candidate to the Tapia Chiautla Municipal Presidency, Juan Domingo Espinosa, was also the victim of an attack, when strangers fired on his house.

In addition, other candidates from different parties publicly denounced that they had been threatened. intimidation

Activists, parties and civil organizations have placed the elections in Puebla and Veracruz as the most risky for the execution of a fraud.

This Sunday, lawmakers, journalists and members of "Podemos", the 12+ Inter-Parliamentary Union geopolitical group, European Councilors, among others; Countries such as Romania, France, Spain, El Salvador, Argentina, Portugal, Liberia, the Basque Country, Belgium, the United States, Panama and Colombia will be observers at Puebla

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