Attention to brain damage caused by multiple sclerosis


In Mexico, it is estimated that about 20,000 people live with multiple sclerosis

Since 2014, every 22nd of July is celebrated the World Brain Day, a date agreed by the World Federation of Neurology to promote preventative care and raise awareness of silent diseases that can deplete it.

The brain is the organ that allows the existence and functionality of every part of the body. The brain is what makes us who we are, gives us our identity and makes us different and unique. It is the organ that allows us to adapt, adapt to the environment and make our species survive.

One of the diseases that affect it is multiple sclerosis.

People with MS may have cognitive impairment, characterized by changes in thinking and thinking, difficulties in memorizing, learning, and concentrating.

As part of the World Brain Day, specialists call for immediate attention to the injuries that this disease causes, in order to control or rehabilitate the damage caused

With the commitment to creating a community among people interested in learning more about this disease, Roche Mexico launches Fan Page "Connecting Minds"

In Mexico, it is estimated that about 20,000 People live with multiple sclerosis, an inflammatory disease caused by an injury to myelin, which is a fat that insulates neurons and acts similarly to the cover of an electrical cable.

As part of the World Brain Day (22 July), specialists call for prompt treatment of the wounds caused by this disease in the encephalic mass, in order to control or rehabilitate the damage caused. 19659003] According to Dr. Carlos Pla Casamitjana, a neurologist and specialist in multiple sclerosis, "myelin allows a neuron to transmit its impulses quickly. It is the speed and efficiency with which these impulses are performed that allows smooth, fast and coordinated movements with little conscious effort "

He adds that" in multiple sclerosis, Myelin loss (demyelination) accompanies an interruption in the ability of neurons to drive electrical impulses to and from the brain. This produces a variety of symptoms that depend on sites where myelin is lost and where scars appear. In multiple sclerosis, these scars appear at different times and in different areas of the brain and spinal cord. "

The symptoms of multiple sclerosis vary considerably and include blurred vision, weak limbs, tingling, instability, and fatigue, which for some people is characterized by periods of relapse and remission, whereas of others, it is progressive.

Consequences of brain lesions

Because of scars that occur after periods of inflammation, multiple sclerosis patients may have "cognitive impairment, characterized by changes in thinking and thinking, and may cause difficulty remembering to learn new things. "Says the specialist.

He adds that "about half of people with multiple sclerosis experience cognitive changes. These can start early and can be independent of physical disability.

Cognition refers to "superior" brain functions such as memory and reasoning.

About half of people with multiple sclerosis cognitive change, but for others, the most commonly affected aspects of cognition are: memory, attention and concentration, verbal relationships , the speed of information processing, abstract reasoning and problem solving, visual spatial capabilities. "Because multiple sclerosis can alter any part of the brain, almost any cognitive function can be affected, and the symptoms can range from mild impact to something more serious that affects the daily life of a person ".

According to the specialist, recent studies have evaluated the effect of cognitive rehabilitation through computer programs, finding significant improvements in various mental functions, including attention and verbal learning .

The effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation is also supported by functional studies of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) neuronal connections in patients with multiple sclerosis

Creating community. With the goal of generating community among people interested in learning more about multiple sclerosis, Roche Mexico launches the Facebook page "Connecting Minds" ( through which, Subject specialists will share valuable information about the disease and the problems of help for quality of life and well-being.

The page will be updated with videos, articles and some links of interest to better know this disease and its forms. motivation and lifestyle.


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