AU reinforces the monitoring of populations threatened by the Ebola virus in the DRC


July 3, 2018, 23:54 Addis Ababa, July 4 (Prensa Latina) The African Union (AU) is implementing a program to monitor the population of Ebola-affected areas in the Democratic Republic of the Congo of Congo (DRC), informed the regional bloc today.

According to a statement issued by the AU, the initiative aims to prevent the strengthening of the epidemic, which was controlled through the joint efforts of the DRC authorities and

The majority reported cases is concentrated in the province of Ecuador, which explains that the AU is intensifying its prophylactic work in all the villages and municipalities of this territory.

Staff review this information daily. Basic health on residents, including temperature, for which a flash thermos, which works with laser technology to avoid contact with the patient.

If a suspect to carry the disease is t In addition, to other areas of the country, an alert is issued to find it, in order to prevent the expansion, it details the text disseminated by the l & # 3939; ; AU.

agp / rrj

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