author of the book of Luis Miguel


1 July 2018

Javier Len Herrera researches what happened with the mother of El Sol

Instagram: @luismiguellaserie

Marcela Basteri was last seen in 1986 and since then several speculations have arisen about what happened to him.

The end of chapter 10 of "Luis Miguel, the series" the same one that shows "El Sol", played by Diego Boneta, travels to the Canary Islands to go to a psychiatric center to meet the person who could be your mother; this last scene triggered and revived so many assumptions about the possible end of Marcela Basteri

However, the author of the book on which the Netflix series is based rejects such speculation.

"Unfortunately, Marcela is deceased.For the search I have more or less the date of death in the last quarter of 1986, in Spain, no doubt.It was from unnatural causes.As I l ​​& rsquo; I have always said, the details that I could reach by looking at one point and now facing more recently is something that, if I had meant, I would have said in the book, I keep the detail of some episodes of what happened that actually the only thing they will do is dig into the said Javier Len Herrera for an interview to the Infobae website in Argentina.

In addition, the journalist reiterated that Marcela did not appear, and preferred to avoid giving more marks by respect for Luis Miguel.

"There is no mystery: Marcela Basteri is unfortunately not in this world, she is dead, she will not appear. He is reunited with his son in paradise and that is all he will not appear. That's why when I see news I think it's taking away something that does not make more sense to take off because Marcela is no longer there. "

According to El Universal, in another part of the interview, Len Herrera considered LuisMi likely to know what happened to his mother, hence the surprising distance that the singer showed with his family in the late nineties.

"I know that he really commissioned a particular investigation. What is certain is that, at least to my knowledge, he has not recognized anyone in his most intimate environment to be aware of the facts. But if I could have access to the most reliable version of events, I must also take that for granted. There is another thing that suggests that this is the case: the fact that each time he closed his personality and put a block of ice between his private life and his professional life. I think he and his brother. Alejandro, they are aware of what happened, "he adds.

However, contrary to what he said in his book on Marcela, it is the first Once Len Herrera claimed that the mother of "El Sol" died in 1986, while in "Luis Miguel, history", he speaks of indications that make him assume such speculation.

Thus, in the chapter 27 of the book entitled: "What happened to Marcela Basteri?", Len Herrera noted that the information that compiled about the mother of Luis Miguel at the time of writing the book The scared and that indications suggest that she died in 1986 for unnatural causes.

With the information of El Universal

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