Avala INAI Law 3 out of 3 extended


The plenary session of the National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) ratified the proposal of the format of collection of heritage declarations and conflicts of interest proposed by the Citizen Participation Committee.

In ordinary session, this body agreed to propose to the Coordinating Committee of the National Anti-Corruption System (SCN) that the body approve the format, which should be applied both to the administration that will conclude its commission on November 30 and at the beginning of its functions on December 1.

In his speech, Commissioner Oscar Guerra Ford explained that in the original proposal of the Committee for Citizen Participation (CPC) and sent to INAI was composed of 555 fields of information, but this agency modified to add 300 more fields with the intention of ordering, systematizing and with better data management, "Of the 855 fields, the 10%, ie 88, are public by the Ministry of Justice, that is to say that they are not to be discussed; they are public because that is what the law establishes; 28.3 percent, 242 data are confidential, are personal data if the official himself, their spouses, relatives or third-party indirect, "detailed.

It was also reported that the document submitted by CPC is composed of a large number of pages, a situation for which it was not read in plenary session yesterday.

With the new format noted by the Commissioners, all citizens can act on the financial statements of the officials , including information on the Commissioner Joel Salas Suárez, clarified that if the proposal is approved "there will be no exceptions, no official will have the opportunity to choose whether or not it will be possible." whether or not he wants his statements to be public.

Salas also proposed that the two outgoing officials and

"The presentation for which I am responsible considers that it is essential that future governors and officials who support them know that the heritage declarations and the interests of the officials, handed over to the competent authorities are classified as public information, "she said.

For its part, the Commissioner of this body, Blanca Lilia Ibarra, indicated that when the format has been approved by the Coordination Committee, at least the levels of government of the three branches and autonomous bodies will be obliged to fill them .

On the other hand, and giving his position at the beginning of the discussion, Salas pointed out that the more than 3,700,700 candidates for popular electoral posts, only 13.61 percent fulfilled this commitment.

He recalled that the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness and Transparency Mexico has offered candidates an electronic platform to anticipate compliance with this obligation; however, only 13.61% of all candidates submitted it.

The INAI Commissioners also emphasized that the Coordination Committee will decide in July to approve the declaration of the heritage and interest formats of the officials. .

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