Avelina Lsper launches graffiti challenge and they respond (PHOTO)


July 12, 2018

Street artists left a graffiti with the phrase "Avelina Lsper me the pelas!"; the art critic retires to a debate and what they answer to him:


The critic and curator, Avelina Lsper, removed from his blog , www.avelinalesper.com, to the author of this graffiti located in the corner 4 corner Poniente with Perifrico Sur in Mexico City, a few meters from the Ollin Yoliztli concert hall.

"I invite the authors to dialogue on the purpose of these paintings and on the differences in quality between them, in what limit this can be the urban art or the simple vandalism", resounds the critic of

However, according to Publimetro, street artist Jos Sal Eduardo Lpez Iniesta, said "Nen," I replied on his Facebook account

" We who are the creators of these pieces and this message are ready to open the debate table and defend our thinking towards our movement. which is not ART, but it is not either a nacada or a delinquent thing. The idea is to give dignity to what we do, "wrote Nen in the social network

in an interview for Metro, Nen explained that responding to this message by Lsper, was contrapunt its ideas on urban art. for his repeated mentions of graffiti, saying that it's a thing of vndalos, people without talent and without education to whom it is easy to take a spray and paint a wall » , he told Publimetro

the organizers of the graffiti festival where he made his piece dedicated to Lsper awaits the answer to materialize the debate on art

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