Avengers 4: Filter the title that the film will have, it is linked to a sentence | Pictures | War in the infinite | trends


The director of photography of Avengers: Infinity War has misdirected the title that would have Avengers 4, and this maintains a close relationship with a phrase that said the gem keeper of the time.

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Recall that Dr. Strange saw 14 million future Probable against Thanos and only on one stage The Avengers could win. We also saw that the wizard handed the mighty Thanos the gemstone of the time and pointed out at that moment that they were all in "the last game" (or " end game "in English).

It turns out that this sentence would be the title of the second part of the sequel; it would be called "Avengers: End Game". This relationship arose as a result of an accident of the director of photography of the film, Trent Opaloch.

The director has downloaded his [1945900] abstract on his website and the Infinity War sequel appears under the name "Avengers: End Game". When filtering began to spread, Trent updated the document, but the only thing he showed was the "confirmation" of the news.

Up to now, the Russo brothers, directors of the films, have not confirmed anything nor denied anything, but doubt was almost confirmed.

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