"Avengers 4": this would be the official name of the film expected | Trade | Lights | Cinema


There is a long wait before the premiere of " Avengers 4 " and Marvel fans, known for their devotion, are looking for any information on the new project and it seems that They would have recently found a very important detail: the name of the new film.

According to several US media, the director of photography of " Avengers: Infinite War ", Trent Opaloch, has downloaded an updated version of his program on the Internet. Among the works he quoted, there was a film entitled " Avengers: End Game " ("Avengers: End of the Game").

The information ran like wildfire and, although Opaloch, immediately changed the name to " Avengers 4 ", it was too late and at that time the Information was already widely commented on social networks, in addition to being reproduced by the press.

" Avengers: End Game " is a name that had already been mixed by some rather diligent followers based on a phrase of Dr. Strange. As we recall, the latter tells Iron Man that they are "at the end of the game" just before delivering the Time Gem to Thanos.

This brief dialogue gave rise to a fan theory, which emphasized that everything was a strange plan. According to these concepts, the hero would have let Thanos win intentionally, then go back in time and correct the harm caused by the villain.

Beyond that, there are those who prefer to be cautious when they are dealing with information, especially having regard to the words of the Russo brothers, directors of " Avengers: Infinity War "and his suite. As Comicbook.com recalls, the filmmakers said that the title of "Avengers 4" would not be taken from any line "Infinity War".

However, the fact that Opaloch quickly removed the name " Avengers: End of Game " from your work history is for many a very eloquent signal. Another aspect not to be overlooked is that the administrators could have been lying when they spoke of the name of Avengers 4 . Just wait for the official confirmation.

  Avengers Infinite War

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