Babies Enrique Iglesias surprised on Instagram


SPAIN.- This Sunday was a day full of emotions for the family of Enrique Iglesias because the Spanish saw his losing football team facing Russia, country of origin of his partner Anna Kournikova

Although perhaps their hearts were momentarily divided, at home their babies were responsible for cheering them up by encouraging both countries.

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Thanks to Instagram, Anna shared two tender pictures of twins Nicholas and Lucy, very well dressed to enjoy world Cup.

In one of the images The boys 6 months and a half look very happy with their companions Zabivaka, the wolf mascot of the Russian World Cup.

The followers of the famous couple were delighted to see these images …

the loading is precisely his mam, although on the picture he does not show his face.

But in his publication Anna did not forget Spain and also included another photo of the little brothers with the shirt of the fatherland of Enrique

by Enrique Iglesias

In this image, the babies are still very attentive to the camera only now they are sitting in an armchair, without the company of their parents.

Both clichés, Nicholas is serious, while Lucy can not hide that she is fascinated by the pose for the camera.

The followers of the famous couple were delighted to see these images and through the profile of Kournikova, 37 years old, so they let him know and Iglesias, 43.

With information from Telemundo portal.

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