Baja California virtual Senator's celebration for Morena provokes controversy in social networks


Tijuana.- The virtual senator of Morena for Baja California Alejandra Leon celebrated his triumph with champagne and norteño, a situation that was filmed in addition to his words dedicated to his opponents of from the PRI and the PAN to those who said: "they fucked you, bastards".

In the images, which were later viralised by social networks, León said that he had permission from the virtual president of Mexico also by Morena, Andrés Manuel López Obrador in addition to stressing that she did not celebrate with beer but champagne

Alejandra León was city manager in the administration of PRI Samuel Ramos, but absent from the office in 2007 when accused of organizing and celebrating parties inside the government building and during working hours.

León ranked second in the formula for Morena in the Senate of the Republic, l which was directed by Jaime Bonilla, who is also the chief of state of National Regeneration Movement (Morena ).

The video that was recorded by his team caused the rejection of people, but even It was shared by supporters of other parties and former officials as the former assistant pianist Max Garcia, who shared it on his Facebook account criticizing the event and the virtual senator

"We celebrate at Morena with the group, with the norteño, with the cheve and the champagne, d & # 39; here until 48 hours, "said Leon and then take on his opponents Juanita Perez of PRI and Jorge Ramos of the PAN, to whom he said that they" fucked bastards because " They stayed like fumigated cockroaches in Baja California and we will meet the people of Baja California. "

After the images were broadcast, the virtual senator was interviewed on a local television channel in MEXICALI, in which We apologize to the electors and Mexicans, making sure that they r work and their management have nothing to do with their behavior found in the recording.

According to the preliminary count of National Electoral Institute (INE), Morena won the triumph of the eight electoral constituencies and two of the three spaces in the Senate, in addition to the majority in the entity voted for López Obrador.


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